Yep, Vic Roberts is back and running against John Shimkus. While it mentions he’s running in the 19th, he’s primarily identified as a Senate Candidate. Damn, Barack was lucky….

Via Modern Vertebrate.

3 thoughts on “Vic’s Back”
  1. I am Vic Roberts, candidate for the Democratic Party’s nomination for Congress in the IL 19th Congressional District, and I give a heartfelt thanks to ArchPundit for the much appreciated link to my web site

    As ArchPundit pointed out, my web site is basically the same one used in my failed US Senate candidacy. The reason for that is three fold: (1) The only thing that has changed is the office I am seeking. (2) Because my candidacy is being financed by my meager Social Security and UMWA pension income the campaign budget is extremely low;therefore, the number of hits my web site previously recieved does not seem to justify the cost of making major changes on the web site; especially considering I have to hire a professional web master to make the changes. (3) The amount of information provided on my web site requires a great deal of time to review and change; again the number of previous hits does not seem to justify expending the resources required to make those changes.

    Again, I give a sincere “THANKS” to ArchPundit for graciously linking to my web site. Also, I welcome all visitors to my web site. Because of the great importance of the issue, I strongly recommend a visit to my web page on Federal Reserve Bank Reform. Vic Roberts, candidate, IL 19th Congressional District

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