Very Professionally Edited Video of Iraq Summer Campaign by Footlik Supporter

Not very honest

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The original video:

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Iraq summer deserves credit for their video and they don’t support any particular candidate.  Incorporating it into the Footlik supporter video is obnoxious. Doing it without attribution is doubly wrong.

Now, the other thing is I’m getting a lot of feedback on Footlik’s position on the war and the line regarding Footlik’s position is that he’s for getting out, but not a public timetable.  Whatever that means—the problem being that if you have a Republican President after this term is up and you set up a situation like that, there is nothing to force withdrawal.  So either you have a timetable in law or you don’t get out.

Beyond that, many are describing Footlik’s early comments as being that he didn’t want a  firm timeline and he described himself as a Lieberman Democrat.  On top of that, Eric Krol has a different version of what was said to him earlier.

Seals has built up a lot of credibility in the District and did a good job according to nearly everyone who observed the race with DCCC and the grassroots on the same page, it takes a lot to demonstrate a strong reason to back another candidate.  In this case, the hair splitting on the war and such doesn’t seem to provide much of a reason for Footlik’s candidacy and looks like he’s simply running on ambition.

5 thoughts on “Very Professionally Edited Video of Iraq Summer Campaign by Footlik Supporter”
  1. Jay thinks he’s running in Chicago, apparently. Good. I hope they all vote for him. In the meantime, the Tenth District activists at the peace rallies I’ve been to, all support Dan Seals. And for good reason- Jay is a warmonger who’s only changed his position AFTER he heard Dan’s!! He’s just a Kirk masquerading as a Democrat. This is a very oily way to try to build up support. It illustrates even more how little he understands our district and underestimates our intelligence.
    Emotional IQ is important as well- and again, he comes up derelict.

  2. Footlik seems to be running a campaign by what he can get away with rather than what is the right thing to do. He’s trying to run as an anti-war candidate while sending fundraising letters signed by right wing religious pro-war activists to people from outside the district. Well over 80% of his money has come from outside the district. Does he think he can get his money from one place and his support from another? Yes he does and he thinks we are too dimwitted to notice. We don’t have to work hard to get someone like Footlik in Congress. We already have him under another name, Mark Kirk.

  3. Jay’s people took the video down, it would appear.

    This guy creates bs campaign video’s, his online person apparently thinks that bloggers are too dumb to see through his lies and half-truths. This guy really wants to insult people. Its pretty pathetic, really.

  4. To the credit of Jay and his campaign manager, they both were willing to try and get it pulled, but didn’t know how and really weren’t familiar with YouTube. I typically don’t buy these kind of denials on their face, but having chatted with Jay, he didn’t understand YouTube.

  5. Don’t believe that for one minute! He already has another one, same style, up and running. This is exactly what I mean by lies and innuendo. The guy is too smarmy for his own good. He doesn’t have the kind of devotion or support to have an unknown person post something like that on his behalf. I wonder if his nose has grown in the last few days.
    We know that campaign manager and he’s full of malarkey. Another Lieberman Dem trying to fool the public.

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