The Leader takes on Judy’s incoherent quote about John Edwards:
He?s not from the Midwest. He?s not one of ours. He?s from the South, I mean, okay, fine, probably a southern gentleman. . .
I think when it came down to the great war of independence or whatever they call it down south, we were on the winning side, you know, for just that reason, and we think northernly, we think union, we are a bunch of Yanks. . .*
As the Leader points out, the President is a Southerner too. Well sort of. I guess if Andover and New Haven are Southern. But more importantly, do you really want to make fun of Judy’s mangled statement and then mention the President in the same story? Because if mangled statements disqualify one from holding office, I think it’s time for the President to concede.