Did Jimmy Carter have one in 1976 with a 2 percent win? Because 3% is a win, but not a mandate.

10 thoughts on “Ummm…mandate?”
  1. All the mandate talk is bugging me too. Hell, some of the scholarly literature argues that Reagan didn’t even have a mandate in 1984 because of how poorly the downballot did (in comparison). 1964, 1980, 1994…those are the years where one can make a scientific claim of a mandate and back it up. I’m guessing this one doesn’t meet that standard.

    Then again, the best way to have a mandate is to keep claiming you have a mandate…

  2. Doesn’t matter if he has a real mandate or not. He has the White House and majorities in the Senate and House. Assuming Rehnquist has the strength to stand and administer the oath of office in January, he will immediately retire and Bush will have a Supreme Court majority.

    Then he can pretty much do what he wants.

    I’m stocking up on canned goods and I’ve already burned my voter registration card.

  3. I’m stocking up on canned goods and I’ve already burned my voter registration card.

    Don’t forget the ammo and start target practice NOW.

  4. They’ll say any f*ing thing they can to legitimize this s*o*b. I cried real hard for about 15 minutes, and then got angry. My links are refreshed, and so am I. I don’t know that I can keep up the ulcer-causing hatred for another 4 years, but I’ll try.

    So let’s bring on the activism.

  5. Mandate or no mandate, slot machine addicts and domme clients ought not be slapping their gums together about morality.

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