I’m saving the Daily Dolt

Fran Eaton, still pushing the Jeremiah Wright is a black supremacist story line even though she can’t identify a black supremacist belief held by Wright.

The real problem would seem to be here:

nor his vile hatred of George W. Bush.

W. isn’t too popular in the black community, Fran. There are many, many good reasons for that, but disliking George Bush isn’t being a black supremacist. It’s being with about 65% of the public in the US, slightly more in Illinois, and a hell of a lot more in Trinity’s community.

6 thoughts on “Today’s Tosser”
  1. Oy, when rightwingers say ‘hatred’, just remember it really only means opposition to their brillant policies. They use it when ‘traitor’ makes no sense.

    Now back to my Dinesh D’Souza book…

  2. […] Unfortunately, the only “unmitigated disaster” here is that such questioning of political opponents’ faith is simply Par. For. The. Sad. Sad. Course. (no, Really.) from conservative partisans who would rather protect the Republican Party than accept that Christians may hold values other than those reflected in today’s Republican leadership. Values such as compassion, responsibility, equality, forethought, and the like which all too often are clearly missing from what’s left of the modern Repub Party thanks to mishandling by its elected leaders. […]

  3. Unfortunately, there is as much anti-Obama rhetoric from the Clinton supporters as there are from the right. The leading Democrats seem to smell blood in the water and are engaging in a feeding frenzy. We as a people-all of us- are the losers here.

  4. […] Regardless of whether she’s being soft or acidic in her myopia, myopia it is. The entirety of her premise that Sen. Obama’s Christian church is somehow “bad” and that he is somehow “hypocritical” is based on her own ignorance of the history African American Christianity in this country and her own misreadings of Trinity United Church of Christ’s tenets related to liberation, compassion, charity and community. (Oh, and her disdain for people who dislike her hero, George W. Bush, crossed with a deeply partisan loathing for Sen. Obama himself — to be expected from a former campaigner for Alan Keyes for Senate, Illinois edition.) The intertwined network of conservative partisan media has helped her efforts at promoting this ignorant misinterpretation of basic information. (This wouldn’t be the first time Ms. Eaton proved to be ignorant and apparently willfuly misinformed, nor the second, nor the third, nor the… you get the idea.) […]

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