Why? Well the sharks are in the water after the LaHood quote and it has me thinking about it. Who says piling on is bad..
I wrote not long ago that Crane was interesting in that he appears to be well to the right of the NRA on guns. He doesn’t believe in former felons being restricted from gun ownership nor does he believe in background checks. Both positions the NRA is comfortable with.
However, one group is right in line with Crane and that is the Gun Owners of America. Set up by wingnut extraordinaire Larry Pratt. They are against essentially any restriction on firearm ownership. How do the rate Phil Crane? A. Top of the Illinois class, congratulations Phil! Way to go. Closest to him? Manzullo at A and Rural MoC Shimkus at A-.
Hyde C-
Biggert C-
Weller C-
Kirk F
Johnson B
LaHood B-
Hastert C-
Closest too him–Kirk F, Hastert C-, Hyde C-