There Is Nothing They Can’t Say And Not Be Taken Seriously

The Illinois Review is happy to show off stupidity and just vileness on a regular basis:

So when state Sen. Debbie Halvorson admitted she had HPV and worried others might get it, you would think she’d focus on her behavior that caused her to contract that sexually transmitted disease.

Halvorson would be most helpful by discussing the health consequences of pre- or extra-marital sex. Here are some potential topics:

* Halvorson could discuss the number of sex partners she has had throughout her lifetime and how each one increased the likelihood of contracting HPV.
* If Halvorson even had only one sex partner aside from her husband, she could discuss how one can contract HPV from a sole encounter.
* Halvorson could discuss whether she realized at the time her sex partner carried HPV, which most trusting, vulnerable women don’t.
* Halvorson could disclose whether it was her husband who passed HPV on to her after sleeping with other women, demonstrating another reason for chaste behavior outside the marriage bedroom.
* More uncomfortably, if Halvorson contracted HPV through rape, she could discuss ways to avoid rape.

You know, I’m actually of the mind that there isn’t a need to require the vaccine since, though I have to wonder how stupid a parent would be to not have their daughters vaccinated. However, the nutter brigade as represented above has me wanting to reflexively back the idea. Of course, the law does have an opt-out clause.

The last one really gets me though:” if Halvorson contracted HPV through rape, she could discuss ways to avoid rape”

Blaming the victim. What a peach!

2 thoughts on “There Is Nothing They Can’t Say And Not Be Taken Seriously”
  1. By mandating the vaccine, you mandate insurance coverage. The mandate helps increase the virus free pool (giving benefits to the unvaccinated)and helps poor kids who would otherwise not get a $300 vaccine.

  2. Couldn’t we simply mandate insurance coverage? Again, I’m amazed that someone wouldn’t have their daughters vaccinated so I’m very sympathetic, but I’m curious if there is an easier way to do that.

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