The Worst Campaign Commercial of the Cycle

Is so far Nancy Farmer’s running for US Senate in Missouri.

She’s running against Kit Bond who is at least entertaining and brings in an incredible string of pork. At one point earlier in the year I could point to about 30 days worth straight of press releases from his office for projects grants he brought in being announced daily.

Nominate other bad ads you can find–not for content, but humorous quality.

5 thoughts on “The Worst Campaign Commercial of the Cycle”
  1. Archie- Well, we’re not getting many ads for the generals, but Blair Hull had a terrible commercial in the primaries, which started off with, “You’ve heard the accusations…” with a picture of a gavel, and then, “the fact of the matter is, the state’s attorney dropped the charges.” At this point, people were like, “What the hell did this guy do!?”

    Terrible, terrible, terrible.

    And let’s not forget Maria Pappas’ weird clown-music “suits” ad.

  2. Hey….you don’t forget it. It’s all about lack of money……..which still can’t explain the Becky Queen of Carpets poorly made commercials.

  3. I was going to say, Jeff Smith ran a campaign with a lot better production quality.

    And Cynical, you’re not missing much other than Swift Boat Veterans BS.

    Ms. Archpundit hates this season. Last time around we were getting married so we didn’t see as much TV–now with two kids, we watch a lot more and both of us just start getting annoyed as soon as we see the stuff.

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