From the 17th House District–Northeastern Cook County. Coulson is the moderate to liberal Republican Incumbent. Capitol Fax reported she was running away from Keyes early on. It would appear to be working.

WHen you vote, will you be voting for
Dem 49%
GOP 25%
Split 14%

Favorable 36%
Unfavorable 57%

Favorable 55%
Unfavorable 32%

Favorable 57%
Unfavorable 23%

Coulson (R) Incumbent
Favorable 51%
Unfavorable 4%

Bromberg (D) Challenger
Favorable 7%
Unfavorable 4%

Favorable 73%
Unfavorable 14%

Favorable 20%
Unfavorable 58%

What other challenger has ever had unfavorable ratings that bad?

Baar Topinka
Favorable 52%
Unfavorable 20%

Apparently a lack of ideological purity isn’t so bad in some areas.

Kirk (R-10)
Favorable 45%
Unfavorable 10%

Head to Head
Bush 33%
Kerry 58%

Coulson 44%
Bromberg 11%

Kirk 47%
Goodman 26%

Goodman’s a good guy, but off the radar. Kirk’s moderation is a huge benefit to him.

Keyes 16%
Obama 70%

Political Philosophy
Liberal 47%
Conser 36%
Moderate 15%

Coulson looks relatively safe, though with unclear turnout who knows given she is under 50. I like Coulson’s record in general so I have no problems in this race. Coulson is a moderate Republican who Russ Steward said is the only Republican who could hold the District. Stewart predicted a loss, which seems unlikely unless the Keyes disaster hits down ballot very hard.

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