The Most Amusing Sky Is Falling from the Right

Peter LaBarbera doesn’t disappoint with this communication to his organization concerning SB 3186:

As most of you know, SB 3186 passed both the Senate (30-27-1) and the House (65-51-1). Tragically, many legislators who consider themselves “pro-family” voted for the homosexual/transsexual bill, which now awaits the signature of an eager Gov. Blagojevich (see bottom of this email to contact the governor).

IFI was featured in about a dozen TV and radio newscasts and print media, reminding Illinois citizens of the pitfalls of giving homosexuality and gender confusion protected status in Illinois law.

The debate on SB 3186 was shallow, and only a few legislators stood up on the floor to defend traditional values. Liberal self-righteousness was everywhere on display: one state representative, Lou Lang (D-Skokie), even played theology professor, lecturing people of faith on how the true application of their religion would be to vote FOR the pro-homosexual bill. In the gospel according to Lou, sodomy is a virtue, not a sin.

It seems that for many a rationalizing liberal, supporting homosexuality (“equality for gays and lesbians”) and abortion (“the right to choose”) have become twin articles of faith. They brandish their neo-fundamentalism and neo-compassion with the rigidity of a Wahabi Muslim, even as they pat themselves on the back for being “open minded.”

Perhaps this nation and this state face a bigger problem than a misunderstanding of the “separation of church and state.” Social liberals are attempting to separate God from His natural law, pretending that THEY know better how to order human sexuality than a loving, almighty Creator. Worse yet, they PLAY GOD through the modern horror of legalized abortion.

Invariable, the pro-“gay” and pro-“choice” politicians bend Christianity (or Judaism) to fit their new creed, although they would never admit it. (They’re missing the key to life, which is letting Christianity bend us, not vice versa.) They forget, as we all are prone to forget, that God is not mocked, and that His divine and natural laws are not altered by human formulations. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)

Now back to politics: the good news is that Embryonic Stem Cell Research (HB 3589) did not pass! And due to these two misguided votes on SB 3186, we now have more reasons than ever to fight for a constitutional amendment to permanently protect marriage in Illinois!

Thanks to all of you who contacted your legislators and got involved in the political process. You might want to commend or admonish your legislators for the vote they cast on SB 3186, and store it in your memory for the next election. Click on the links below to see how your senator and representative voted.

9 thoughts on “The Most Amusing Sky Is Falling from the Right”
  1. “IFI was featured in about a dozen TV and radio newscasts and print media, reminding Illinois citizens of the pitfalls of giving homosexuality and gender confusion protected status in Illinois law.”

    Does this mean that we won’t have to listen to these goof whine and cry about how “the media was against them” and if only the people had heard the anti-gay message, the vote would have been different?

    Illinois heard all that you had to say about the benefits of discrimination — and Illinois rejected them.

  2. Well, the wife and I have filed for divorce.

    Gay couples everywhere, merely by their existence, have wrecked our picturesque Christian marriage.

  3. Supporting gay rights equals supporting terrorism?

    Or so says Peter LaBarbera, via ArchPundit: It seems that for many a rationalizing liberal, supporting homosexuality (“equality for gays and lesbians”) and abortion (“the right to choose”) have become twin articles of faith. They brandish their neo-fun…

  4. Once again this asshat acts as if he’s speaking on behalf of ALL people of faith. And he’s calling other people self-righteous?

  5. I’d point out that I’m a “person of faith” who thinks this legislation is positive- but I guess that just means I’m “bending my faith” to make it fit my “new creed” or whatever.

    but hey, I take this legislation at face value and don’t spin off into paranoid theories about the “homosexual agenda” or whatever is going on in Pete’s mind.

  6. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)

    Which translation of the Bible refers to Christ by name in the Old Testament? And WE are accused of bending faith to fit our needs?

    Sheeesh. Some people give Christians a bad name.

  7. This comment is for Coach Trenks. If you are a Christian why don’t you know that Hebrews is a New Testament book. Hebrews 13:8 does read “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever”. It’s dangerous for people who dont truly know what they are talking about to teach as if they do. Have you ever heard of being a false wittness?

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