Now, that is a good line. Catchy and it’ll stick when the guy says things like this:
Crane dismisses the criticism, saying he’s been back in the district 24 of the 26 weekends this year. “I don’t understand it. They’re not in my district. Our offices are available constantly.”
The passive voice in discussing constituent service is one of the true danger signs of an incumbent–actually, now that I think about it, that might be an interesting thing to test using some of the new content analysis software.
Skoien piled on:
“First of all, I think Phil will be fine,” said Skoien, who unsuccessfully challenged Crane in 1992 and 1994. “But having said that, he does need to spend a little more time in the district. He does need to get back with some voters. He’s been doing his job in Washington and he needs to pay a little attention.”
What job is that in Washington? Talking about the Old Goldwater days? Railing against whole language instruction making claims that are 30 years out of date? Or remembing Petey Fitzgerald when he was 8 and Crane was starting in Congress?
Bean has raised around $500,000. Crane has only $500,000 on hand–a small sum for an incumbent. It’s really bizarre to only have slightly more on hand….
So let’s thin the herd in this one and go donate at the upper left to Melissa Bean!