[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/Nst-aXvdrR4" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
And from defunk blog Polis, the definitive take on the commercial:
Those Oberweis copter commercials may be the funniest thing on tv these days (save Arrested Development). Forget the fact that his numbers are said to be way off, just having him spout off that anti-immigrant rhetoric over the noise of copter blades is high comedy. The only thing that would improve on this would be if he was flying over the Mexican border with a rifle picking off crossing illegals. “Even if I stay up here and shoot all day, I can’t make a dent out of the thousands who are stealing YOUR jobs!”
Shoot… I fully expected to have lost my job to one of the folks filling up Soldier Field by now… Still hasn’t happened (though our consumption of Obemilk has zeroed out).
“Artery-Clogger” Oberweis has had a hard time buying his way into public office…maybe he should feed his dairy products to the thousands stealing our jobs and kill them with kindness?
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