Well those results make it easy. Looking at the other Democrats challenging no one is putting up even moderately respectable numbers.

Want to donate? Give to Bean or to Renner.

I’d like to say donate to Bagwell, but we have no filing. We have to conserve money and Bean should be a top priorty with Renner running a decent though uphill campaign.

One thought on “Support Renner and Bean”
  1. I think Renner’s actually got more of a chance than Bean. Sure, he’s raised less money, but he’s also running in a much cheaper district (a friend of mine in Streator told me you can get a 60 second radio ad there for $9!), and it’s a much more democratic district. All the State Reps and State Senators are democrats, and the Gore/Nader totals Beat Bush in 2000.

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