He makes a very simple point. Melissa Bean is a lot better than David McSweeney. I like Bean. I don’t like each of her votes, but she is a moderate in a relatively conservative district. Fortunately, the District isn’t as right wing as David McSweeney.

That said, this guy appears intent on delivering David McSweeney to Congress.

Scheurer is also pro-life. There are many pro-life Democrats who I respect, but arguing he’s the progressive choice for those on the left is kind of tough.

Word is Scheurer is also spreading the meme around that if he can beat Bean this year, he will run in 2008 and win. Not likely.

3 thoughts on “Stephen Yellin on Melissa Bean”
  1. Why on God’s green Earth is Stephen Yellin getting attention? He’s the same snake oil salesboy who swore Barbara Ann Radnofsky was a serious threat to Kay Bailey Hutchison. Although he really nailed Steve Brozak’s upset win over Mike Ferguson!

  2. jfbh,

    Maybe I’m getting attention for this because I’m right? Just a thought…

    As for my other candidates who I support and have supported, I am the first to admit I’ve made mistakes. But I stand by my friends, and if that gives me some irrational exuberance, so be it. In regards to the two you mentioned, Barbara is my friend, and Ferguson is (unfortunately) my Representative. You should go ahead and ask the thousands of bloggers out there who vouch for candidates online whether I’m a “snake oil salesboy” or not. The fact is that I felt (and feel, in Barbara’s case) that if properly supported my candidate can win.

    In regards to Melissa Bean, I’ve been a supporter of hers since late 2003, back when people didn’t think the race would even show up on the radar screen, let alone go Democratic. You can ask Congresswoman Bean yourself if you have doubts.

  3. You go Snake-Boy! The nerve of you – a Democrat – suporting a Democrat… and in an election year no less!

    You are right about McSweeney… scary scary shit. This is why Dems are and will stay united in the Bean race. As they will across the country. We need to win the House back!

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