Is calling for a withdrawal from Iraq

Essentially it’s very similar to what he proposed in 2005 and even closer to 2006 with a couple notable differences.

First, it doesn’t allow combat troops to remain in the north as he previously would have allowed–and something a President should have flexibility for in a perfect world. Unfortunately, the delusional nature of the Bush administration precludes any sort of daylight on the issue.

Second, it shortens the time frame from his previous plans, but only a little bit. Pulling out quicker would likely be dangerous to our own troops and his estimates are approximately consistent with US military doctrine from what I’ve read.

I’ve been arguing this is the correct strategy for a relatively short time, largely because as Duncan at Eschaton has pointed out, the point isn’t to come up with a magical pony plan, but to change the debate from one of ‘in some magical world where we weren’t ruled by children’ plan to get the fuck out plan. This is a get the fuck out plan.

3 thoughts on “Some Senator from Illinois…”
  1. It’s a really good plan. It has the trademark thoughtfullness and depth. The details and addressing of many factors. Obama can do some really great legislation and that is why he is such a force and taken as a serious candidate for 08.

  2. I hear Joe Biden ran to the exit nearest to Joe Biden … and Hillary Clinton was off campaigning at a Waffle House.

    In all seriousness, Edwards comes half-way to the debate this country wants to see (he calls for some withdrawal, poll after poll shows Americans simply want out) and Feingold is closest to Obama in calling for a funding cut-off (the other necessary half to any GTFO Plan).

  3. NW burbs, Edwards has called for a complete phased withdrawal for awhile now. You’re probably referring to his call to immediately withdraw 40,000 troops, but that’s the first phase. He also supports cutting off funds as a means to force a withdrawal.

    Kudos to Obama on his proposal, by the way.

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