Sigh…Petey’s Trolling

“Peter L.”

Larry, I didn’t know you were a gay activist…

…now it all makes sense: the finger, etc. Hope in the future you can criticize my ideas without resorting to sophomoric putdowns. Best–pl


Consider this an open thread—my biggest concern is that this is Petey’s desperate way of getting attention, sort of like boys in about sixth grade pestering the girls. Mostly that’s really icky, not because it would be gay, but because it would be LaBarbera.

Second, someone has to tell Ms. ArchPundit, I guess.

The oddest thing about this is that putting up a picture flipping off Petey for his little attempt to out someone who says he is not gay and only seems to be suspicious because he is middle aged and single, but voted differently than Petey liked is called by Petey as sophomoric, while the entire outing someone who says they can’t be outed was perfectly rationale and grown up.

4 thoughts on “Sigh…Petey’s Trolling”
  1. What exactly is a “gay activist,” anyway? Conservatives throw it around so freely, I can’t help but think it means nothing more than someone who things gays are people, too.

  2. Hmm, hmm, hm, hm…

    Petey and Archy sittin in a tree…

    Hmm, hmm, hm, hm…

    Not that there’s anything wrong with that. (With apologies to Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David.)

  3. Here’s what is truly sophomoric: Responding to every word Pete Labarbera utters by insinuating that he is secretly homosexual. Maybe you are secretly heterosexual…

  4. Because lots of straight people take such an interest in gay sex like bathhouses and Mr. Leather competitions and troll message boards on gay issues doesn’t lead anyone to wonder what the hell is wrong with that guy. Of course, this was done in contrast after he tried to insinuate someone was gay because he was middle aged, voted for a gay and lesbian civil rights bill, and single. The contrast is part of the whole point with Petey and the person he tried to out.

    And again, it’s hard to be secretly heterosexual when I’m married (to a woman) with two kids. It’s sort of public.

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