Schock Won’t Attend Videotaped Events

Seriously. What a goof.

I believe we need to make sure Bill has a video camera

State Rep. Aaron Schock won’t permit his two congressional primary opponents to videotape him at any forums or debates.

Well, it’s not that he’s not allowing it, he just won’t attend events if taping is allowed. So the net result is the same.

That’s ticking off the John Morris camp. “I figure if it’s a public forum, I should be able to videotape my candidate,” said Morris campaign manager Ryan Steusloff. “We’re trying to get John out there and I would like to be able to videotape my candidate. There’s nothing nefarious going on.”

So what’s the big deal?

Schock doesn’t believe the intentions are so innocent. “If they’re suggesting that I have something to hide, that’s bogus,” Schock said. “Part of the concern is that it could be taken out of context.”

The issue came to a head at a recent Southwest Kiwanis Club meeting.

A Morris aide showed up with a video camera. But the rules permitted only the media to videotape.

Schock’s camp watched closely to be sure the red blinky recording light wasn’t on while Schock was speaking. There were whispers and stares; finally Morris mouthed for his aide to stop the recording.

“It’s not that they’re doing a public service by taping it and putting it on the Web. That’s not their goal,” said Schock campaign manager Steve Shearer. “What they are there for is to get three or four seconds out of context, and make a TV commercial out of it and that does a disservice to voters.”

This guy is the great GOP hope?

And the two GOP opponents need to tell him to take a hike then and don’t show up at events. They are events open to the public and recording them on videotape is certainly reasonable in such circumstances.

This guy is going to be the picture next to WATB in the dictionary.

In more fun Schock news:

Schock downplayed reports that he would like to see the United States supply Taiwan with nuclear weapons if China does not support sanctions against Iran. Schock made his comments in early November and other candidates criticized the thought of providing other nations with nuclear weapons.

“People were pulling it out of context” and treating it like a serious proposal on foreign affairs, Schock said.

Errr…you own campaign manager claimed it was well thought out. And it wasn’t out of context given Bernard Schoenberg provided the full speech as did both Bill Dennis and I. So again, what a WATB.

He told (Springfield) State Journal-Register reporter Bernard Schoenburg that Schock showed immaturity as he committed a “terrible, terrible blunder” by offering, then retracting, a foreign policy scenario that included the possible sale of nuclear missiles to Taiwan.

He also said GOP candidate John Morris’ statements that millions of illegal immigrants should be deported once the nation’s borders are secure is a “silly solution” that is “not going to work.”

The Peoria congressman also has issues with Schock using his name without permission in campaign materials. He also said he has problems with Schock’s campaign manager.

“On two occasions, in personal meetings that I had with Aaron, I had expressed my concern about his campaign manager,” LaHood told Schoenburg last week about Shearer. Asked if he was referring to campaign tactics, LaHood said, “I guess it’s probably more prudent for me not to get into that.”

Schock said Shearer has run both his winning campaigns for state representative, and he is “very proud of the type of positive campaigns” he’s run.

But here’s the kicker:

Shearer said Schock agreed to endorse Giuliani in the spring, before he knew LaHood was retiring and that he was going to run for that congressional seat. Since then, Schock has said he would remain neutral because he must focus on running his race for Congress.

Small problem. You don’t have to do anything, but endorse the guy. If you don’t think he’s the best candidate, what changed between then and now? It shouldn’t matter whether you are running for office or not.

5 thoughts on “Schock Won’t Attend Videotaped Events”
  1. Should young Mr. Shock get elected we will see how long his aversion to having video cameras at his events lasts!

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