Mark Kirk gets visited by Freedom Watch’s radio commercials.

Very few details on the newest effort from the White House front group, but they have been targeting GOP moderates and wavering members with ads. They spent at least $5 million on the first wave of TV and have promised to spend $15 million. So far I’ve only confirmed they are on WBBM 780, but I bet more information will roll in soon.

So Mark Kirk can vote with the majority of his constituents who want out of Iraq, or the party base he relies upon to show up on election day. Maybe he needs some police officers to help insulate him.

Quick Update:  Big buy–it was also on Channel 7 broadcast news.

6 thoughts on “Rock and a Hard Place”
  1. Two versions of the Freedom Watch TV ad have been airing on Chicago stations for at least a week, if not longer, during the local newscasts, non-primetime gameshows, etc.

    One version is of a mother who lost her son. The other is of a wounded Marine.

    Both are moving ads which focus on the partisan conservatives’ notion that we have to stay in Iraq because we’re in Iraq now.

    Both also instruct viewers to use the Freedom Watch 877 toll-free number “to call Congress”. As has been noted by others, that Freedom Watch phone number leads directly to a screening poll which filters out anyone who disagrees with Freedom Watch’s premises. IOW, only pro-war callers are connected through to Congress; everyone else gets hung up on.

    Welcome to the conservative nanny-state where only pro-Administration voices are patched through to Congress.

  2. Given Kirk’s district’s demographics, aren’t his voters likelier to be moderates and liberals than conservatives? I’m not sure these ads are going to work against Kirk because he knows his district.

  3. Kirk is a delusional as Bush if he thinks IL-10 doesn’t care about the war. Of course, if he had bothered to show up at the town hall meeting in Northbrook last week, he would have met at least 700+ people who were pretty damned concerned about the war. I guess he figures that if he doesn’t see it, it doesn’t exist.

    November 2008 can’t come soon enough.

  4. No, no, no… All IL-10 cares about is immigration!

    Wait, oops. That’s all the ardent conservative partisans that tug on Kirk’s ears care about.

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