While no one expected Andrea Zinga to get close to the uber gerrymandered 17th, she has shown herself to have no shame in a losing effort.

“People who are on the medications he is on may have trouble with judgment, which can be worsened by excitement or stress,” she said in an interview. “It concerns me and I think voters should be aware of it.”

Even nastier:

Zinga, for her part, makes a point of reminding voters that Evans would have medical insurance coverage, even if he were voted out of office.

“I don’t think they want to throw someone out, just because he’s had the (misfortune) of being sick,” she said. “It’s important to tell them that he’ll be cared for.”

23 thoughts on “Republicans Have Parkinsons Too”
  1. Also from the article: “Parkinson’s does not affect mental abilities, nor typically do the drugs taken to treat the disease. Evans declined to name the specific medications he takes, although he acknowledged they sometimes make him drowsy.”

    Geez, a “drowsy” member of Congress would be unprecidented.

  2. Dirty Pool

    Archpundit catches some foul play in IL-17, where GOP challenger Andrea Zinga has been making a campaign issue out of Rep. Lane Evans’ struggle with Parkinson’s: For nearly a decade, the former Marine has quietly battled the progressive disorder, one…

  3. How would GOPers respond if a candidate ran around attacking Hastert’s fitness to serve due to his, well, lack of fitness shall we say? (hey, surely his endurance is impacted and he can’t be nearly as vigorous a Congressman as someone half his size)

    But you won’t see anyone do that because its some combination of cruel and stupid.

    But that’s what she’s doing (times about 50) as she’s picking on Evans’ Parkinson’s

    I say bring in Muhammad Ali to whoop her tail.

    Closer to home-maybe kick a few bucks Lane Evans’ way at http://www.laneevans.com to help him whoop this vile woman.

  4. Television news people tend to have an overezaggerated sense of self-importance. Andrea Zinga may not be doing TV anymore, but she still acts like a typical ego-manaical news anchor. I’d take a humble, honest politician who happens to have Parkinsons over a some mean-spirited, venom-spewing witch ANY DAY.

  5. Andrea may not be getting her point across very well… but she is right. Evans has done nothing since he was elected. He was one of the worst attendance records in congress. He is the longest term congressman who has not yet introduced a bill on the floor. Lane has driven the economy in his district in to the ground… trust me I live there. Now that he has a good competitor, him and his team are trying to turn his illness into a sympathy issue. You should not ever elect someone out of sympathy.

  6. Evans whole campaign this election is based around how andrea is attacking his illness, he is trying to get the sympathy vote. Furthermore, even when lane was healthy he did NOTHING. Under his “leadership” the area has lost ~40,000 jobs. Vote Zinga.

  7. I have worked for the Army at Rock Island Arsenal since Lane Evans was first elected. Zinga is right. He would show up every other September and October to show himself before the election, but if you checked his voting record he voted against all the military bills that could have helped the Arsenal. He doesn’t want to be on the Ag Committee. He has never introduced a bill, let alone a bill that would help the local economy. What he does best is assist constituents in complaints. Any Congressperson with a good staff can do that. It is time to get rid of Lame Evans and find a Congressperson who is interested in helping the local economy. If it means starting with Zinga just to show politicians we need active people in Congress then so be it. Who knows – we may be as surprised with her as we are with Governor Rod.

  8. === He has never introduced a bill

    You are simply a lying idiot to say that.


    Click on his bills to see them in the bottom left. As I was saying previously, his efforts are largely concentrated on veteran affairs issues.

    I’ll assume the twin morons in this thread are obnoxious Zinga supporters who are too stupid to know what the hell they are talking about.

    Evans didn’t bring up Parkinsons so to blame him for the attacks is ridiculous. You two should be ashamed.

  9. ===Idiot? Is that the best you do is call names?

    I stand corrected. He has been more active in the ast couple sessions apparently. Look at his record prior to that however.

    Yes, idiot. You didn’t know what you are talking about and lied about it. Fuck off.

    The best I can do is prove you are a lying fuckhead which I did. Now go find yourself somewhere where your bullshit will go unchallenged.

    ===How about a little integrity in your responses AP? Don’t answer your strawman BS. He votes against the military and wants nothing to do with ag. He does not help the ag industry or the Rock Island Arsenal. To quote John Kerry, “We can do better.”

    Integrity–coming from a lying asshole like you–that takes some balls.

  10. Thank you for your kind and gentle spirit. Your sense of diversity of opinion and freedom of thought are greatly appreciated and obvious to all.

    Since you can’t answer the problems Lame has with serving his district you can do nothing except call names and spout and fume like a wounded whale.

    The mentality of folks like you is pathetic. You can’t accept that anyone would think differently than you so you attack the person rather than the idea.

    I was wrong about Congressman Evans’ activity in the introduction of bills and said so in my last post. You were wrong about the rest and can’t admit it so you rant and foam at the mouth and call names rather than refute the statements I made. I think I will go find an intelligent Democratic blog site. This one is obviously for radical, unthinking, follow-the-crowd Democrats. I will never be one of those.

    ArchPundit? I don’t think so. Anarchist Politician maybe.


  11. Still no answers, eh? Just more name calling? Well, get over it, AP. When all you can do is ape someone else’s opinion you end up with an archpundit website, I guess.

    When you find a mind and learn to use it to think for yourself, then maybe you will be something worthwhile. ‘Til then I may stop by to read your drivel just for laughs, but probably not. And there is certainly no need to post. You aren’t looking for dicussion. You are only looking for playback machines who will say what you say. Sorry. I have a mind and I know how to use it.

    Good luck in your fantasy world.

    One Bad Pig

  12. What am I supposed to answer? That one of the most active supporters of Veterans in Congress is anti-military? If you care to offer something more than stupid blathering or lies I’ll be happy to respond. Until then, you can continue to whine that demonstrating you are a liar is name calling.


  13. I can’t believe the ignorance of OBP. I don’t expect every person to know their Congressman’s record inside out, but they should at least check it before posting baseless comments.

    Lane Evans is by far one of the most active Members of Congress and does not let his illness get in the way. He has written important legislation including bills that are the top priority of our veterans organizations, including the stauncly conservative American Legion and VFW.

    And I don’t understand this anti-military crap. So, he opposes missile defense and that makes you anti-military??? Mark Baker tried that about 6 years ago and said that hurts the Arsenal. That clearly showed Baker’s ignorance (also not a vet) about the Arsenal and the missile defense. The Arsenal produces artillery guns and unless they want to put Howitzers in space, then his opposition to star wars will not affect the arsenal. And he also opposes a lot of the reckless military involvement in places like Colombia. But, these anti-military charges are just baseless.

    -From a proud veteran that supports Lane Evans because he asks the right questions of Secretary Rumsfeld and believes in taking care of the troops and their families.

  14. An interesting letter to the editor by a West Point grad Captain says essentially what I have tried to tell you, that support of veterans DOES NOT equate to support of active duty military. Lame Evans is NOT a supporter of our active duty, has never been, will never be. He votes for military appropriations ONLY when he can use it for his campaign. His typical vote is against anything for active duty. I lived for years under his “make a token appearance” method of support for years and all your claims and his (only recent) activity does not make up for YEARS of non support of our troops.

    Watch for the LANE CHANGE AHEAD –

    Vote for Andrea Zinga Tuesday


  15. there is a great difference between victory and vicious attacks on all 1.5 million parkinson’s patients
    of which I am one.
    Ms. Andrea Zinga, is not going to apologize to anyone. Neither is her campaign Manager
    Charlie Johnston.
    please do not trample the disabled Veterans men or woman to “WIN” a position in which – our congressman is to be a public servant
    Congressman Evans is a great public servant!

    VOTE NO for Andrea Zinga
    WE need good hearted representatives, not
    hateful discriminatory representatives
    For they are not needed, in any Congressional, Senatorial or Presidential race.

    We the people with disabilities will and do VOTE!
    Our votes do count into the millions.

  16. Well we are again relegated to an inept, non producing, 90 minute late sorry excuse of a representative in congress. Too bad, this woman wood have torn em up in Washington.

  17. I even asked my JWCC science teacher one day, who correctly told me what I already knew: It rarely affects the mind, and if it did, not enough to drastically affect someone the way the Zinga campaign portrayed him.

  18. The reason why Zinga lost..and the whole reason why the campaign had any negative tone whatsoever was because she has the worst campaign manager in all of Illinois…Maybe the country

    The only reason the campaign had any positive response was do to there overwhelming lead on earned media. You can credit that to a loan from Congressman Johnson office with Matt Bisbee. He knows what he is doing. Also they had an energetic spokesman who was fresh out of college. Christopher Foltz(according to his business card served as Bisbee’s deputy) kept the media in the issues game and tended to change the mind of alot of hard lefts after he talked to them and brought true issues to the forefront. Not to mention I have never seen political savvy like this in anybody fresh out of the College Republican National Committee, let alone some 30 year political consulting vets in Illinois.
    Any campaign that faces the Bisbee – Foltz earned media machine is in for a rough ride.

    17th District Media Whiz

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