Peter O’Malley’s Numbers IL-06

Just over $22,000, with $16,400 on hand. $4500 in personal loans from Peter to the campaign.

I’m not sure what Peter’s goal is and what his timeline is, but as a start-up quarter it’s just sort of a start-up quarter. Nothing sticks out in the report as especially interesting. He has hired Mia Phifer for fundraising and campaign work. She was previously a consultant to Carol Moseley Braun and Finance Director to Lauren Beth Gash in IL-10 which was a high dollar race.

2 thoughts on “Peter O’Malley’s Numbers IL-06”
  1. Dosen’t seem like he is trying to hard. You would think someone who wanted to be a congressman would be able to get $50,000 or $100,000 together himself instead of waiting for the establishment people to get it for him.

  2. I think there are two things here–first, it’s the first quarter. Often the first quarter is not that great.

    Second, I think the notion that he’s the establishment guy are overblown. While I certainly think there’s resistance to Christine, It’s not clear to me that he’s automatically got the establishment support.

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