He’s shooting to hit $25,000 for his ACT Blue Donations today!

As of this minute, he’s at $20,099.99

Okay, someone donating to this campaign likes hitting odd numbers, but more to the point, no one, and I mean no one has contributed through ArchPundit so I challenge you all to help him hit that goal!

There have been donations to Duckworth, Seals and Laesch which are fantastic too. If you prefer those that’s great, and let me remind you, Bean is shooting for a similar number through tonight!

2 thoughts on “Pavich Goal”
  1. There’s also nothing wrong with contributing to Joe Shannon (IL-13), Dave Gill (IL-15), Steve Waterworth (IL-18), & Dan Stover (IL-19). I strongly encourage it.

    Every 2 yrs. the people have an opportunity to “overthrow” Congress — especially a “do-nothing” Congress.

    One voice. One vote. CDs are never “safe” when Democrats show up to the polls & vote DEMOCRAT!

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