More evidence that National Taxpayers United of Illinois, headed by Jim Tobin, is off its rocker, the group sent a news release last week entitled “Rauschenberger: Same old tax-and-spend Republican.”
This is the same group that at one time said called former state Sen. Patrick O’Malley “a closet liberal.”
Does anyone meet this group’s criteria anymore?
I do. Tobin loves me.
Fiscally speaking, Rausch and O’Malley really are NOT very conservative on the issues of taxes and spending. Rausch is good at finding ways for the state to do things cheaper, I’ll give him that, but he hardly questions why the state is doing them in the first place. O’Malley was even worse. I think the only spending cut he would’ve made would be publicly financed abortions. Neither one of them ever refused the member initiative pork thrown around. Tobin’s rocker does get a work-out quite often though. He called Topinka a “fat-ass” at a press conference and the local radio station played that soundbite all day long. Whatareyagonnado?
While we disagree, I can think of few more fun things in Springfield than you as a state rep asking why? Just tell me why? And receiving a bunch of blank stares….
— I think the only spending cut he would’ve made would be publicly financed abortions. Neither one of them ever refused the member initiative pork thrown around.
And that is a great quote.
Thanks. Yeah, 117-1 and I’d probably laugh at me quite a bit too. Why are we increasing funding to the take from the poor and give to the rich Illinois Arts Council when institutionally mental un-healthy people programs are getting cut? Why are we even talking about a Chicago casino proposed just days ago when downstate doctors are leaving in droves? And just think of all the hilarious doomed bills I could introduce. Cutting legislator pensions and benefits. I’d get stares for that but they wouldn’t be blank.