Oops, I was about to mention this tidbit about the Duckworth DC fundraiser being at a lobbying firm, but Sweet’s column got a pretty quick reaction.  While there’s a hubbub about the mainstream media around the blogosphere–and legit complaints about many, there are also many in the media who deserve credit. Sweet is one of those who plays it pretty straight and even when nitpicking on some of the Obama decisions regarding fundraising, she does it to keep pols honest.  That’s her job.  And this is a perfect case where those holding the event should have thought about it before scheduling it. 

Many lobbyists do good work so slamming them as a class isn’t entirely fair.  However, it’s also really stupid to forget that they aren’t looking out for your constituents, but a specific interest.  Tying yourself too closely to them results in confusion over what their role is–and the K-Street project is a perfect example of politicians and lobbyists confusing their roles as having the same goals.  It leads to really bad things…like Tom DeLay. 

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