Assuming my information is correct is Gephardt the best choice? Probably not. I haven’t been playing the VP speculation game so the tip was out of thin air, but overall I wanted Bob Graham. I could tastes a debate between him and Cheney and it would have been hysterical. That said, is Gephardt a bad choice? No, I don’t think so for several reasons.

1) He’s one of the most honest people to ever serve in office. He’s smart and bright and while he has other liabilities that says a lot.

2) Labor probably needs shoring up more than anything else and he is the guy to do it. While his views on free trade are polar opposites of mine (and in fact the reason I could never support him for President), he represents a significant portion of the Democratic Party and this may well deliver Ohio. I’m not so sure if he can pull Missouri, but I’m not sure it matters. I do think that adding him to the ticket makes Ohio pretty strong for the Dems and that is a good reason.

3) Ultimately, I think the anybody but Bush anthem will drown out criticisms of his vote for the war. While I think the Rose Garden appearance was stupid, especially in context of Lugar, Hagel and Biden coming up with an alternative, can anyone say he would have approached Iraq in the same way Bush did? No. ABB–Anybody but Bush makes up for that move.

4) The Miserable Failure line is the line of the campaign.

5) He and Kerry get along and as Jerome at MyDD points out, that matters most probably.

6) While I have many disagreements with Gephardt, he is ready to step in from day one and be President of the United States should it be necessary.

30 thoughts on “My View On Gephardt?”
  1. God, I really hope it isn’t, because I think youth and enthusiasm is needed this year, not just experience.

    However, I will ardently support any anti-bush ticket. I still don’t see what Gephardt would bring to the table.

  2. E-mail the Kerry campaign if you don’t want Gephradt and perhaps people power will change his mind. Clark, Edwards…say who you would prefer ABOVE Gephardt. You know, ANYONE you consider preferrable.

  3. I’d say minorities need shoring up more than labor… Kerry really hasn’t served them any red meat, and he doesn’t have the natural appeal of a Clinton. Black turnout, in particular, seems pretty important to me, and I don’t remember Kerry doing anything so far to encourage it. Thoughts?

    – Marc

  4. I think Archpundit is right that Labor needs to be motivated the most. A lot of union members consider themselves patriotic Americans who wouldn’t want to dump the Commander-in-Chief during war. On the other hand, support for our adventure in Iraq is lukewarm — at best — within the African American community; it’s easily outweighed by anxiety over civil liberties and jobs.

    The unions can organize, they just need motivation. Communities of color are already motivated; they just need to be organized.

  5. Kerry’s Veepship: Speculation Mounts..Mr. Charisma — or Mr. ZZZZZZZZZZ?

    Speculation continues to mount over who John Kerry will pick for Vice President. And the speculation-game clock is running down — since Kerry will announce his Veep choice before the Democratic convention later this month. If Kerry intends to pick

  6. “getting along” with each other is not the most important thing, not at all. Winning is the most important thing. Kerry and Gep won’t have any chance to work with each other if they lose.

  7. Scott Lehigh pointed out in an article yesterday that Teresa doesn’t “get along” with Elizabeth Edwards, as well as Kerry is not comfortable with E.E.’s spouse.

    The uninsured, the unemployed, the underemployed, the parents trying to put their kids through college really don’t care what THK thinks.

    If Kerry goes with his personal feelings rather than a pick that would energize Dems, that tells me he doesn’t really want to win. Has he forgotten that there are legions of Dems who voted for him because they thought he was a reasonable choice – not that he did anything to enthuse them. It should be pointed out to him that Kennedy chose Johnson because he was going for the win, not because he liked him. Gephardt has too many losses in his baggage. I will be sincerely pissed if it’s Dick.

  8. Making Gep seem like the man is a way of making the real person look better.

    Picking Gep just doesn’t make sense. Like Kerry: pro-Iraq War, never been chief exec, not particularly exciting, little appeal to swing voters, etc.

  9. I realize that this is not immensely pertinent but it is a commendable endeavor and I entreat you to sign the petition-I did.
    Something from RYP:
    Over 90% of the RYP members that contacted us after Jack Ryan’s decision to end his campaign for the U.S. Senate, have expressed their belief that Jack should have continued with his campaign on the issues. We have heard nearly universal disappointment and outrage that a few in our local GOP were allowed to gin up media pressure for him to withdraw – even in the face of continued strong support from national Republican leaders.
    We have responded to this message and have initiated the BRING BACK JACK! petition drive.
    This decision was based not only upon our conversations with fellow RYP members, but also with other Republicans around the State who also don’t buy the line floated by a few in our State GOP leadership who claimed that a groundswell for Jack to withdraw existed. What we hear is overwhelmingly just the opposite, that the vast majority of Republicans want Jack to forge ahead on the real issues of this campaign.
    Jack Ryan’s integrity and vision were tremendous assets to this race and he would have been a great advocate for Illinois residents in Washington. But now, the fading George Ryan Wing of our IL GOP is trying to claim yet another victim. Let’s not let that happen!
    Jack Ryan is still on the ballot until he officially files the paperwork to withdraw with the Board of Elections. As of today, he has not made the withdrawal official by filing.
    The 19 members of the State Central Committee who would now choose Jack’s replacement were never elected directly by you – the Republican voters of Illinois. But now they seek to substitute their judgment for that of Illinois Primary voters who registered their choice overwhelmingly in March.
    With all of the other past and current problems in our State Party – did Jack Ryan really deserve to be the first one thrown off the train?
    Sign the BRING JACK BACK! petition and encourage Jack Ryan to continue his campaign for the U.S. Senate and stop a few from the State GOP from disenfranchising the Republican voters of Illinois.
    After all, shouldn’t the voters decide?
    p. 312/648-0061
    (I am not affiliated with RYP but I am circulating the petition. Similarly you can email Team JACK with an entreaty.

  10. I totally agree with Archpundit’s analysis, especially #1. If there’s one thing that Gephardt brings to the ticket, it’s the feeling of honesty and wholesomeness that undercuts Bush’s claim to be the party of family values. There’s no way you can say that Gephardt does not embody both the American dream (working class to the House Leadership) and family values (wholesome, loving family with no infidelity).

    Archpundit also failed to mention that Gephardt’s daughter is homosexual, and he has continued to express his full support for her. This will allow him to undercut Cheney’s claim to the same, and may get him some more votes from the LGBT community (who organized very well for Gephardt at my brother’s college in IA).

  11. The ILRYP are a bunch of mopes. Ibehal is a mope.

    That is all.

    Oh, by the way.

  12. Barack Obama for VP. They might as well since Illinois’ Senate election is already a joke. hehehehehe. Ryan can stay in and they stick Hull on the ballot. Who needs Jerry Sprnger then?

  13. Carl, calling Kerry pro-war is pretty simplistic don’t ya think?

    Uriah, didn’t know that about Gep’s daughter. Good to know.

    My own thoughts, I like Gephardt and believe Kerry should go with his instincts. It is his choice, not American Idol.

  14. Kerry VP Race

    A lot of people are saying that Gephardt is going to be Kerry’s Vice Presidential pick. I don’t claim any special insight into Kerry’s mind, but why? I don’t know if I buy what I take to be the main…

  15. Bring back Jack Ryan!!!!!! Yes, I agree because it was a sure bet that Obama would win. p.s. Evan Bayh for VP? (drudgereport)

  16. As I posted on Slate, I’d like to know who has the copyright on “anybody but Bush”. They’re going to make a fortune. “Kerry/Gephardt”? Marketable? Tough to sell a product that isn’t good to begin with and bland besides.

  17. I got hit by the supposed “young republicans” at my site too. What can you say other than ROFL?

    As to getting along… Gore and Clinton didn’t get along famously, nor did their wives.

    And it was a ticket that wasn’t supposed to work, either — 2 southerners? how awful!

    I keep checking back here thinking that ArchPundit’s secret sources will have whispered who it’s really gonna be. Late news was saying it’s going to be tomorrow.

    Republicans in Illinois are in complete disarray from what I can see. All the holes in the parade where they should have been was hysterical.

    Anyone have a good “parade report”? (I did Evanston).

  18. Wasn’t Gep behind that stupid House of Reps letter protesting that Dean statement on Israel? I thought that was fairly slimey and pretty stupid politically – who writes a letter FROM THE US CONGRESS saying we refuse to be even handed with Israel and Palestine? Maybe he wasn’t behind it, I don’t know.

    If Gep is the VP, does this mean Biden won’t get Sec of State? I would find that tragic…. I’m hoping they get along enough to avoid that.

  19. I totally agree Laura, I would have loved Biden for VP and I hope he gets a top spot, and Gep doesn’t

  20. Nico: Gephardt has a place in the Kerry administration: As Secretary of Labor. He deserves it, and would turn it into something other than OSHA All Day, Every Day.

    He just doesn’t need to be our VP.

  21. It’s Edwards….though I got a kick from the NYPost headline claiming it’s Gephardt. No need to eat too much crow; I imagine the frenzy yesterday introduced a lot of people to this great blog (just as the Democratic primary introduced me to it in March).

  22. I agree with Nuisance Industry — you took a risk by publishing a good piece of info, and your reward is the increased traffic and higher profile you have long deserved.

  23. Got the email from the kerry campaign — sweet. Edwards. Love how everyone’s chain got yanked. And we must be blogging up a storm since I can’t seem to publish right now in blogger.

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