Mr. Balanoff told Ms. Jarrett that he told the Governor that it would never happen. Jarrett concurred.

Report on Blagojevich contacts with the incoming administration is pretty boring.

Balanoff’s idea of running it up the flag pole was to nod yes and then not do anything about it other than to relay it to Jarrett with the obvious conclusion that wasn’t going to happen.

Rich’s comparison to Howard Hughes seems especially relevant here.

0 thoughts on “Mr. Balanoff told Ms. Jarrett that he told the Governor that it would never happen. Jarrett concurred.”
  1. It is quite interesting to read the accounts of this non-event event through the eyes of the various national reporters. It proves what I have long maintained, the more you know about something the more you realize that the so-called experts know very little.

    The Blago story has been there for a long time through many trials and reports by Chicago press. It did not start the day after Obama was elected. The national folks act like it is entirely driven by the appointment of a U.S. Senator. They only establish their ignorance about l’affaire Blagojevich by that argument.

  2. So now the geniuses at Politico are faulting Obama for NOT doing anything to sway the decision:

    “To the extent that the report succeeds in its goal of establishing the distance between Obama and Blagojevich, it necessarily raises the question: Why was the president-elect and leader of the Democratic party playing no role in a key appointment to national office being made in his home state, and by a Democratic governor?”

    This ‘necessarily raises the question’ whether you have to be a complete idiot to work for the Politico. And note, this came at the end of a rather mean-spirited post.

  3. Leo,

    When did conservatives suddenly give up on “states’ rights” and preventing Federal meddling in individual states’ goings-on? 😉

  4. There seems to be evidence that Blago’s a pretty unstable guy. It doesn’t seem like it would do any good to Obama to get involved in his messy politics, his rediculous language, his “nothing but sunshine” approach just before his ship sank…

    This guy must have stank of vomitorium politics for years…

    The video speaks for itself…

  5. A news report this evening has Republicans wanting to subpoena Obama aides to the impeachment hearings. I never would have believed that the Republicans could mess this up by turning to partisanship but I guess I under estimated their ability to self-inflict some wounds.

    Should they continue in an attempt to smear Obama in this impeachment mess they will only succeed in making themselves look bad and in keeping Blagojevich in office.

    I would not have believed they could mess this up with partisanship but it appears I was mistaken.

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