Former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, who resigned in disgrace, had this response to a query from a Financial Times writer about how he was enjoying life as a columnist for an online magazine
• • Quoth Spitzer: “It sucks,” he said. “I used to be governor of New York.”
At least Spitzer had the decency to pay the people he was screwing!
Yeah, Rod is screwing over 12 million people and making THEM pay HIM!
There is some rumbling on the internet (although not enough to be postitively verifiable) that Spitzer’s AG office had been investigating Madoff when the SEC was patting him on the back for a job well done. Maybe our pavlovian response to sex scandals should not be to attack, but ask who spilled the beans and what were they up to.
Since Spitzer was no longer Attorney General of NY, I highly doubt Ellen Beth’s hypothesis. If Madoff wanted to head off any supposed investigation of Spitzer’s, he’d want him to stay as governor. Spitzer has a lot of free time now, and if there’s something people hate more than a hypocritical politician it’s a $50 billion crook. If Spitzer knew something about Madoff, he could have gone public and started rehabbing his image.
Therefore, it’s unlikely that Madoff had anything to do with tipping off the feds about Spitzer.
If you mess up in a highly visible position – you can expect no mercy from the general public.