More Than One Political Scientist Has Made This Point


“What has he done?” Capparelli asked. “I don’t think he does a good job. When you look at the guy, are you proud to say, ‘This is my Congressman?’ The answer is ‘no.’ A lot of people in the neighborhood say he’s a dork. There. I said it. The guy doesn’t know what he’s doing. He’s an awful public speaker, and he’s gone to school his whole life. I take public transportation, the 62H. I don’t think he has ever taken public transportation. He would pee in his pants if he had to take it.”

Lipinski’s response, after I read him the quote, was laughter and then: “That’s a tough one to respond to because it’s not a very professional statement to call someone a dork. I don’t claim to be the greatest public speaker there is, but I’m honest and straightforward. And I have spent hundreds of hours on CTA buses in my life. I’m involved in all kinds of communities in my district.”

Not a very professional statement.

I think McQueary is having fun with this one:

Meanwhile, Lipinski said, he is in the district as much as the congressional schedule allows. Like his father, former U.S. Rep. William Lipinski, Dan Lipinski sleeps on the floor of his congressional office to avoid the expense and hassle of a Washington, D.C., apartment.

“I leave after the last vote on Thursday or Friday and am back in the district,” he said. “I’m working harder than they’ve seen a congressman do in a number of years. I will stand by that. Even the former congressman would agree.”

Of course he would.

3 thoughts on “More Than One Political Scientist Has Made This Point”
  1. the “pee his pants” comment was also very classy.

    I do think we need more people in Congress who are masters of the school yard putdown. Don’t you?

    As for my neighborhood, a lot of people are say, “issues — schmissues. Record — schmecord.” There I said it.

  2. Boy where does Lipinski think we live? How does a dad give his congresstional seat to his son? Im a working cop this guy out to go back to North Dakota or whereevr he came back from. He isnt a nieghborhood guy. I dont think he drinks beer or watchges the BEars. I wouldnt have a drink with him me seems out of touch with regular folks.

  3. So how come Lipinski never served in the military? Did he ever have a regular job? Ever bag groceries? His ressume is just ablut political volunteering. How did this guy get elected? Thanks dad. My dad was a city garbageman. LoL We need more straight talk in congress. This Capps guy sounds just like the kinda guy we need to stand up to the terrorists. Spit in your eye!!! A vet always gets my vote. Besides would we want a congressman that just sounds weak?

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