Chilllinois has a bunch of quotes from the blog that are bizarre given his behavior in this campaign.

Let me offer a preemptive point to those offended by this, I had noticed she was posting on a Keyes listserv a few days ago and if one follows the link in her signature line, it takes you to that blog. This isn’t outing, it is simply pointing out that Alan Keyes has a lesbian daughter who works for his campaign. Given his past statements about other people’s children, this seems relevant to his positions.

7 thoughts on “More Keyes Stuff”
  1. Doesn’t this whole thing seem just a little off?

    Don’t get me wrong – the pictures are pretty damn convincing, but the whole “If I had a lesbian daughter” comment just doesn’t square.

    Regardless, I don’t think this is particularly appropriate. She’s 19, right? Pretty much a kid. I really think we should just leave her be, regardless. I wouldn’t want to be a politician’s nineteen-year-old kid in the first place, let alone in her position.

  2. Unless this is an elaborate deception involving the faking of information on several web sites, this is for real.

    The thing is she is out. I’m not violating the privacy of her–she has a public web site linked to from comments supporting her father. She’s an adult and I’ll take her at her words.

  3. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not accusing you of violating her privacy or anything. I don’t think there’s anything legally wrong with this. Maybe not even unethical. I just personally find it distasteful.

    And I know the evidence is that it isn’t a hoax, it’s just odd, given everything else that’s happened.

    I shouldn’t be surprised to find something that causes cognitive dissonance coming from Alan Keyes, though.

  4. I’ve given up thinking anything is odd in this Senate race.

    On that note, I really do think the ethical standard here is that she made posts with links to the information. I was unsure of it before I confirmed that–then, well, it’s public and given the standards Keyes uses, it’s out there.

  5. What’s so stunning is that she seems like a really wonderful person in her blog, and all she wants is to be accepted by her parents. I also find it distrubing that in one of her entries (posted on my site) it sounds like her parents might not have paid for her college because of her lifestyle.

    FYI, even though Maya had been posting on the Keyes2004 listserv, I actually found it through one of her friends’ blog aka “Jerrykins”. He is an “out” Loyola Campus Green who, when Keyes kicked off his run, went to work for the campaign. Somewhere in there, he says that Keyes actually makes sense on some issues. Yeesh.

  6. I’m curious to learn more about this “Jerrykins” character. But after reading through his website and his blog, nowhere does he explicitly say that he is gay. So I think it would be a bit premature to consider him “out” unless you’ve found information elsewhere to back that assertion. We don’t want to inadvertantly “out” him on the national stage if he’s not open about his sexual orientation. Let’s not drag Maya’s friends into this even more than we’ve already done — apparently, his blog says that the newspapers have been doing some snooping of all their friends.

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