Normally, Family is Off the Table

I had to get a beer before posting on this.

Via the most welcome back Chillinois who will be back on the blogroll and the Modern Vertebrate Blog which will be making the blogroll as well, evidence that this Senate race is even more bizarre than I thought.

May I introduce you to Maya Keyes’ blog, written by Alan’s daughter who is incidentally a lesbian.

Chillinois and MV have some stuff, but the most amazing entry is from March 3rd

I remembered pieces of some of my (numerous) conversation/arguments with my parents on the subject of homosexuality. My father, in the middle of explaining why queers are all intrinsically awful people, no matter how lovely they may seem? in the end his argument came down to basically,
It?s inherently selfish to be queer because no matter if we say we?re in love it?s only for selfish reasons (read: we just want to hump like bunnies and don?t really care about anything else but physical pleasure) because we don?t have CHILDREN like the beautiful selfless heterosexuals. Ergo, queers live only for self-gratification and no matter what else goes on in their lives, ultimately (consciously or subconsciously) our entire existence is directed towards the purpose of self-seeking pleasure; queers are not capable of anything but selfish actions whether we know it or not.
Along the same vein, my mother, after meeting on one of my friends (one of the sweetest, smartest, politest boys I know; someone who would be great to bring home to parents. Any parents but mine.) who she couldn?t help but like, took a while to think of something disparaging to say about him because it is against her principles to actually like any of my friends and finally decided that she didn?t, after all, like him because he had a weak mouth as a result of being one of those homosexuals. She says that homosexuals are all inherently weak people, just as they are all inherently selfish people, because they don?t know how to deny themselves anything.

4 thoughts on “Normally, Family is Off the Table”
  1. The only thing more distasteful {read: morally bankrupt} than Alan Keyes being on the Illinois Senatorial ballot would be the republican operatives {read: jerk-offs} who put him there.

  2. Presumably Alan Keyes Told His Daughter She Is Sinning

    I would have been sympathetic to Alan Keyes’ 19 year-old daughter anyway, it’s pretty tough for children of politicians normally, but this makes it worse. I hope she gets out of the house soon and goes to college out of…

  3. Is Kerry a total dipstick or just good at acting like an ape with intelligence!!!!!!!!!!!!! No wonder his wife has the $$$$$$$$$$ and he doesn’t !!!!

    OK-Americans can ‘buy’ into the same health insurance as the Senate…….BUY into…. Please..
    That’s a slick way of selling a bill of goods to the mainstream in America!!! What a crock… That
    policy would be ‘sold’ to the common folk at oh so
    uncommon prices…What a windfall for insurance companies!!!! Gee-Think I’ll buy stock in Blue Cross/Blue Shield ! After all-Kerry did make a personal thumbs up to them…Betcha that secured a BIG donation to the DNC !!!! Think people…He’s bought & paid for.. more than most ! And, oh my God…What a First Lady Mrs. Heinz-Kerry would be. I can hear it now….The North Korean First Lady at a Whitehouse Tea hearing Theresa calling her husband a Scumbag!!!! (during _Bilateral_(not multi-lateral) talks that give N. Korea oh so much time to stall & continue Nuclear build-up without the intimidation of the one country they fear the most-China!!! Don’t be blindsided by rhetoric. I am a lifelong Democrat who can easily see through Kerry’s doubletalk-a little thought & critical thinking goes a long way here !!! Don’t be fooled..Kerry IS NOT THE RIGHT MAN FOR THE JOB !!!!!

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