Not amazing or anything, but sort of out of no where. He’s from Springfield and is running in IL-19. Some of it is General Election money to pump up the totals, but it’s pretty clear this is just a ramp up.

I’m not jumping for joy, but he’s one to keep an eye out for if he can build on the quarter.

Note to candidates whining about not being able to raise cash: ask this guy.

One thought on “McMenamin Pulls in 70K”
  1. Could he be related to the McMenamins of Rogers Park, one of whom ran for committeeman in 92 or so? If so, it’s a pretty big, fairly well to do family with decent Democratic connectoins, though not of the type that allows you to be corrupt or anything.

    By the way, you should run something on the Second City Cop blog story, now making its way into the Sun-Times and Trib, about Alderman Tunney, who voted for the cell phone ordinance, making a call to a police commander questioning whether officers don’t have better things to do than enforce said ordinance. Inspiration for call — not known. Timing of call — immediately after Tunney was ticketed for violating the ordinance. What a goofball!

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