I generally like Patterson (and Krol)–he does good work, but in the Roskam Social Security story, he’s let the campaign off on the issue of Social Security Privatization. The interesting thing about it is that Roskam hasn’t even appeared on Jeff Berkowitz’s Public Affairs–a fairly friendly venue, though one in which Jeff would pin him down on as many issues as possible.
Talking Points Memo is running a contest to pin down Republican candidates who have not taken clear positions on Social Security. Two of the first candidates are Tom Kean and Illinois’ own Peter Roskam.
The post by Patterson is gone (nothing nefarious, they don’t archive all of their posts at Animal Farm), but the basic point was Roskam’s campaign replied, but no answer was given regarding Social Security instead offering a reason why Roskam was not at the vote though he made most of the votes that day in Springfield.
A fine way this could shape up.
So, if you can get him on record on Social Security Privatization, Josh has some gifts for you–or even if you can just get him avoiding the question on tape….