Mark Kirk And Dennis Byrne: GET OFF MY LAWN!

Many regular readers will remember Dennis Byrne yelling GET OFF MY LAWN to the Illinois Democratic Network, well Mark Kirk just joined in to a bunch of folks at a town hall meeting.

 Ellen of the 10th (Doing bang-up work in the 10th) reports:

After the stage show I described last night, the questioning finally began, but only with a little help from Michael Deheeger of Winnetka who interrupted what looked like was going to be a downhill spiral into Kirk’s hand picked questioners from a particular corner in the stageleft side of the room. Deheeger apologized for interrupting, but firmly stated that most people in the meeting wanted to hear from the Congressman on the topic of the Iraq War and asked Kirk when he would pledge to set deadlines to bring the troops home. Kirk tried his old tired answers about wrapping and winding the mission up, down and sideways. People got mad at the insult and there was a brief tense moment of shouting until Kirk imposed what he called “North Shore” or “Winnetka” rules and berated Chicagoans in a most uncalled for manner attempting to imply that most of the room was from Chicago. It wasn’t, and Kirk’s comment didn’t go over too well, but the discussion continued.

Then, he said it: 9/11, 90th floor Sears Tower, most Americans have chosen to give up their freedom for security. I didn’t think he’d be that brazen in trying to connect Iraq with 9/11 to this district that he admits is one of the best educated in the country. Then, he went even further adding proof to what we already know about this war and oil. He said that before we can leave Iraq, we have to secure our oil interests there and come up with a less oil dependent energy policy failing to mention that his party always rejects same, but adding that we’d all be out of work from the lost oil upon a speedy withdrawal from Iraq, and he couldn’t help himself I suppose, he had to mention the holocaust.

He’s resorted to calling his own constituents carpet baggers and relying on the Holocaust for a talking point.

3 thoughts on “Mark Kirk And Dennis Byrne: GET OFF MY LAWN!”
  1. Well, it would’ve been more like “get off my Chateau” if Bryne had been a bit more honest about his plush living conditions.

    It’s bad enough these people are apologists for wealth and power but then they’re screaming at us — from their swimming pools — how we’re the “liberal elite” when we’re running around in jalopies or (in my case) dilapidated city buses.

    In any case, getting back to Kirk, people from Chicago are the least of his worries. It’s constituents from his District who are going to send him packing come next November. I can hardly wait.

  2. Hi Arch. Thanks for the mention. I’m thinking of starting a campaign: Invite Kirk to Dinner. Everyone can send him an invitation for homemade lasagna or macaroni and cheese and he can see that we really do live in his district. Probably not, he’d just say we rented homes so it would look like we really live here.

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