Blogs never are in good taste so after wishing Congressman Evans well, I’m thinking
John Sullivan (I can recycle some posts–different Sullivan)
Mike Jacobs
Ah hell, that District covers such a weird area, I have a hard time figuring out who is in and who is out of it.
Minor thing–despite crossing over media markets, it’s relatively cheap and the Quad Cities area will now have two targeted races for the DCCC to work with in the area since IA-1 is also a hot race.
First person to say Mangieri, gets ejected. After that Treasurer campaign, he’s pretty much demonstrated he’s not up for a tough race.
When I lived in Quincy, a lot of people figured Chuck Scholz was setting himself up and perhaps being groomed to replace Evans.
Quad-Cities Times offers:
P.S. Proud to say we beat Rich to the punch on this one.
Zinga campaign is crowing already… (and trying to revise history a skosh).
(Is Zinga still part of the “left-wing” media…?)
Do Downstaters care if a candidate lives in a district?
Suburbanites don’t seem to.
Melissa Bean and Tammy Duckworth don’t live in the districts in which they are running.
Phil Hare endorsed by Lane? Lane’s legendary loyalty just proved again the adage that a person’s best asset is also their worst liability. In this case Lane’s loyalty and Phil Hare are both the worst liability for Democrats in the 17th.
Phil likely should have been (and might still) indicted in the FEC case against Lane, very sloppy and unethical staff work, especially as Lane has become noticeably less able to discern what is happening around him.
Hare has none of the charm, affection, intellect, lack of venality of Lane. A parasite for Congress. Zinga will look comparatively attractive.
It’s true Phil’s not smooth but he’s pure of heart when it comes to the issues Quad Citian’s care about and nobody will look barbaric when in the same race with the Wicked Witch of the North, Version 2.0.
State Chair will slow play this and see if he can get Rock Island County to come together for one.
We wrote about the peasants’ insurrection involving this in today’s Upper Mississippi River Basin Blog (UMRBlog). More than a sidelight, less than a real story.
Have you linked and would appreciate a reciprocal.
Tony Cameron
Upper Mississippi River Basin Blog