It’s The End of the World and I Feel Fine

Lappin himself is an interesting character.  He’s a Republican which is nothing strange, but his activism on Israel is tied to the International Fellowship of Christian and Jews.  Lappin is on the board of directors.

What I’ve always found fascinating is that a group like IFCJ allies itself with fundamentalist Christians who think they are bringing about the rapture.  John Hagee has won awards from IFCJ for his support of Israel, but Hagee is one of these characters who base his support on the fact that by supporting Israel, we can lead to a war with Russia and the Muslim nations attacking Israel.  He wants the world to end.

When addressing audiences receptive to Scriptural prophecy, however, Hagee welcomes the coming confrontation. He argues that a strike against Iran will cause Arab nations to unite under Russia’s leadership, as outlined in chapters 38 and 39 of the Book of Ezekiel, leading to an “inferno [that] will explode across the Middle East, plunging the world toward Armageddon.” During his appearance on Hinn’s program at the end of last March, for example, the host enthused, “We are living in the last days. These are the most exciting days in church history,” but then went on to add, “We are facing now [the] most dangerous moment for America.” At one point, Hinn clapped his hands in delight and shouted, “Yes! Glory!” and then urged his viewers to donate money faster because he is running out of time to preach the gospel.

Because someone ‘supports’ Israel doesn’t mean they are for Israel’s security.  IFCJ has ties to many premillenial dispensationalists who have a goal of bringing about Armageddon.

Seriously.  The ‘support’ isn’t aimed towards making Israel a safe, secure nation, but a nation that is attacked by Islamic nations and Russia in the case of Hagee.  It’s not about peace, it’s about war and literally the end of the world.

It’s a long road to peace for Israel.  Having loons with bad fundamentalist theology as close allies won’t lead to peace–it’ll encourage war.  There are no easy roads to peace for Israel given the chaos in the Palestinian territories, but working to incite a region wide war isn’t in anyone’s interest.
Hagee himself is slightly less offensive than most Premillenial Dispensationalists because he doesn’t buy into the notion that Jews have to die and go to hell during Armageddon.

So if you think that we should be facilitating the end of the world, Andrew Lappin seems to think that’s just fine.

One thought on “It’s The End of the World and I Feel Fine”
  1. […] ArchPundit also covers the issue in detail with several posts. From his post, “It’s The End of the World and I Feel Fine,” we learn about where mud-slinger Andy Lappin is coming from ‘intellectually’: Lappin himself is an interesting character.  He’s a Republican which is nothing strange, but his activism on Israel is tied to the International Fellowship of Christian and Jews.  Lappin is on the board of directors. […]

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