This has been pretty much known for a while, but the mess in Springfield slowed down the announcement

AURORA — Word has come from the camp of state Rep. Linda Chapa LaVia that she has dropped her bid for higher office.

Chapa LaVia, D-Aurora, formed an exploratory committee in May to gauge support for a potential run at the 14th District seat currently held by Yorkville Republican Dennis Hastert. But a Chapa LaVia spokesman confirmed Monday that the three-term representative has decided to withdraw herself from consideration, and focus on her hometown of Aurora and the 2008 state House election.

“It was a long decision, I can tell you that,” said Ron Cook, a Chapa LaVia campaign staffer. “She is flattered and honored by the people willing to step forward and support her for this position.”

In the end, Cook said, Chapa LaVia felt she could do more good by remaining in Aurora as a state representative. He said it was not a matter of being qualified for the position, and her committee found support for her run at the office.

“She’s very dedicated to (the 83rd) District,” Cook said. “Her value is where she’s at, with her role now in the state, and she can’t improve on that by going to Congress.”

Chapa LaVia herself was unavailable for comment. In May, she said she would only consider a run at the 14th Congressional District if Hastert retired at the end of his current term. Hastert, a former speaker of the House who has represented the district for 11 terms, has not announced whether he will retire when his term ends in 2008.

Chapa LaVia’s withdrawal leaves three Democrats vying for the nomination: Geneva scientist Bill Foster, Geneva businessman Jotham Stein, and Hastert’s former opponent, John Laesch.

Three Republicans have also formed exploratory committees, including State Sen. Chris Lauzen, R-Aurora; Geneva mayor Kevin Burns; and Aurora dairy owner Jim Oberweis. However, all three are waiting to see whether Hastert runs again before throwing their hats into the ring

.A decision is expected from Hastert’s camp this month.

From Foster’s Campaign:

“Linda Chapa LaVia is a tireless fighter for
Illinois families and I hope to earn her support and the support of every person in the 14th district who wants to change Washington,” said Bill Foster.

I talked with both Foster and Stein at YKos and hope to do interviews with them in the coming months.  I missed Laesch, but my hope is to have all the Democratic candidates. 

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