Rich is calling it curiouser and curiouser

It’s not very curious at this point,

Roskam billed the endorsement as a “great boost” to his campaign in the final days, but admitted he sat on the endorsement until a few days before Tuesday’s election to have “the biggest possible influence.”

World War II veteran Joe Buttice of Wood Dale was unable to explain much about the endorsement other than to say Roskam “supports a strong defense for our country but also he took care of our local veterans at the same time.”

Duckworth, who lost her legs when her helicopter was shot down over Iraq, said she never had a chance to apply for the endorsement and called it “sad and regrettable.” One suburban veteran and Duckworth supporter called it “despicable.”

“To be shunned by this organization is beyond my scope,” said Mike McConnell, a Vietnam veteran from Winfield who said he received the Purple Heart.

Roskam said the national endorsement was based on the recommendation by a few 6th District VFW leaders. The only one he named was Soden, a former head of the Illinois VFW who was appointed to fill out former Republican Senate President James “Pate” Philip’s term in 2003.

Buttice said Soden sits on the national VFW’s political action committee board but had surgery Friday and was unavailable.

Give him a hand folks, he’s here all week.

3 thoughts on “It’s Not that Curious”
  1. The VFW has always been a bunch of cranky, Right Wing tools that would rather push ideological bullshit than invest effort or resources into advocating for veterans health care or education benefits.

    Ask the VFW how many Iraq War veterans are members of their kooky club.

  2. Mr. Nyberg has a very limited opinion about the members of the VFW.

    Neither I nor many other members are cranky or push for ideological bullshit. Perhaps health care nor education benefits have assisted him because his attitude has created a bad approach.

    No one has said we support the cause of the war, but we do support the troops. Mr. Nyberg, remember these are the ones who are putting their lives on the line to give you the right to express your opinion.

    Though I live in Florida, I am disappointed in the VFW’s endorsement of Peter Rosham (no military service) over Tammy Duckworth who lost both legs while serving in Iraq.

    This occured in Illinois, I would be even more upset if it had happened here.

    Mr. Nyberg, change your attitude and you will probably find the assistance you seek.

  3. So, Soden is the culprit. He was probably a REMF. A piece of excrement. A dingleberry who chose a side against and instead of a genuine military hero that had the guts to serve and support her returning brothers and sisters. Absolutely a Republican hack. A cronie of this Roscam coward who didn’t even have the balls to sign up and support the war. He voted AGAINST funding in different bills that would have funded the VA medical available to our returning Vets from Iraq and Afghanistan. This Yellow opportunist didn’t represent me or any other warior. He just wanted to polish some Republican hack’s apple for him. Right now, as I write this letter, there are people from the guard and reserves who have had 2 and 3 tours of duty in Iraq or Afghanistan. This time they were wounded and have been released from the active duty medical facilities before their cure or resolution of their wounds. The idea being that the VA Hospital will take care of them. Well, the truth is, THEY CAN’T GET INTO THE VA SYSTEM. Due to the funding measures that Roscam voted AGAINST on many ocasions; they have to pay for their own medical care. It will be months before there is an appointment for them available from the VA Hospital system. I know several vets that are haveing trouble getting care. This Roscam character VOTED AGAINST VETERANS. In their zeal and desparation, the National VFW PAC would have made a deal with Osama Binladden himself if they could have gotten one of their cronies ellected. I can say that, I am a real Vietnam veteran, Not a REMF, I am a life member of the VFW and I have a voice. I will do everything to get rid of this PAC. I will write every one that I can and insure that their inpropriety is recognized and dealt with properly. They are no friend of the Veteran and a shameful bunch of liars. In 1979 when they became a PAC, I remember how my father, another life member; a WWII, Korea, Dominican Republic, and Vietnam Vet, Medal of Honor recipient railed against this idea. His comment was that the VFW had no business getting into the PAC business and choosing a particular party, putting on their distinctive head gear and profiling with political candidates. It seemed to be a shameful thing. I agree whole heartedly. Whether they be a Democrat or a Republican, always remember, a soldier fights for all Americans, not for just what amounts to half of them. Gentlemen in the PAC, you are what we in the Army call Duds. The ones that the NCOs had in the yard burning human excrement while the wariors fought the battles. You couldn’t be trusted to do anything but be shit burners and you proved that; when you endorsed Roscam who never ever even considered serving. It was beneath him and his cronies. What a bunch of REMFs.

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