Just got some scuttlebutt, top Gephardt aide Joyce Aboussie has been sent a private plane to join Dick Gephardt for….one can only assume the announcement that Dick Gephardt will be the next Vice President Nominee for the Democratic Party.

UPDATE: If Aboussie is being flown out and ordering staff to be ready for a change, it’s hard to imagine that it is anything, but gearing up for an announcement that he is the VP nominee. He and Aboussie are incredibly close and she is his right hand. Unless this is a bit of disinformation, this is the real deal.

UPDATE 2: Political Wire hears similar rumors.

This is going to be embarrassing if I’m wrong given the firestorm it created!

104 thoughts on “It’s Gephardt”
  1. Private plane could be for numerous reasons. I respect your skepticism, but it’s a reliable source. I guess the best I can say is that if I’m wrong, I’ll post a correction on Tuesday.

  2. i read somewhere else that edward’s advance
    guy has been hired on to work for the next VP.

    this is just nuts. if it is geppie, god help us all
    the the GOTV.

  3. You have really started a firestorm tonight. This news has caused a DailyKos diary, not a front page story but a diary, to reach over 100 comments. Now Political Wire is also saying his sources tell him it is Gephardt.

  4. He Hate Me

    Scuttlebutt suggests Gephardt is the man.

    Well, my passion for politics would have to be short-lived, wouldn’t it? Go U Northwestern!

  5. The woman you mentioned might be going to be on staff for another VP selection. Folks are being drawn from other campaigns to have broad base of support and hit ground running in key states. Look for specific roles for some elected officals to be named along w/ the announcement.

    Clue: Guess who the VP communications director will be?

  6. And I understand that Edwards’ guy is doing that. The thing is, Joyce is personally tied to Gephardt and I don’t see her doing it otherwise. She was getting involved in some local races and this seems to be very sudden.

  7. If it’s Gephardt, he’s writing off Congress and every down ballot democrat in the South.

    What a moronic choice. “Safe”? Bullshit.

  8. Gephardt?

    Our fellow midwestern blogger and Cornell College alum, ArchPundit, has the scoop that Dick Gephardt has been chosen as Kerry’s VP. ArchPundit is pretty tied into St. Louis and Missouri politics, so i would keep an ear to the ground

  9. Kerry has said he will name his veep well before the convention, possibly as soon as next week. He didn’t like it when Gore left him hanging over the veep issue in 2000, and then when he found out on CNN that he hadn’t been chosen. Kerry’s an aristocrat: class comes before strategy.

    I agree with ArchPundit. There’s no way this woman would come on board if it weren’t gonna be Geppy. That, plus the Albright meeting in DC last week, where Kerry met with his veep pick on Thursday of last week, a day that Edwards was out of town but Gephardt was IN town, leads me to believe it’s Gephardt.

    The only other possibility is that Kerry is going for a major headfake and will appear with Hillary on Tuesday morning.

  10. Too bad. If true, he’ll lose. Gephardt cant deliver. It’s gotta be Edwards if he wants to win. unless a deal has been cut to let him have one term and then give it back to the repligicans. Gephardt lost the Congress in ’94, couldn’t win anywhere in the primaries, couldn’t get labor’s endorsement lined up, he’s a loser.

    Sheep to the shearing.

  11. Gephardt?

    The Veepstakes Rumors are all over the place. Gephardt’s not my first choice, but Kos has some good insight for anyone who might be a little depressed with a Gephardt pick: There are a lot worse choices than Gephardt. And…

  12. Kerry should throw open the veep nomination to the delegates like Stevenson did in ’56. That would guarantee some excitement and heavy media coverage of the convention.

  13. Veep Post

    Gephardt: Archpundit swears Gephardt is going to be the guy, saying his staff is being flown out.. Political Wire is also carrying the same story.

    We may know something as early as Tuesday. Kerry is supposed to announce it via the Internet, but t…

  14. That, plus the Albright meeting in DC last week

    Keep in mind, Maddy Albright is a big supporter of Wes Clark’s and has been a go-between for Clark and Kerry.

    This Tuesday Clark is giving a foreign policy speech in Mancester, NH with a 45 minute press interveiw scheduled at 10.00 – all arranged by the Kerry campaign. Keep in mind, Manchester, NH was the location of the very first Draft Clark office – NH is very sentamental to the General.

    Another Clue – the song Kerry spent time learning the pass week and played with the band on Saturday – This Land is your Land – is Clark’s theme song from his announcement in Little Rock last Sept 17 2003

    So…..we all won’t really know til we all know -grin-

  15. Weird VP rumors

    A lot of people are hearing a lot of whispers about Kerry’s VP pick… The Note: At Albright’s house late Thursday night, Kerry had a meeting with just a small group of people — one of whom, our sources say,…

  16. Well, if Kerry has picked Dick Gephardt, I have to say, I couldn’t think of a better or faster way for Kerry to shoot his own campaign in the foot.

  17. Gephardt?

    I woke up this morning to see that the rumor mill is in full effect. Apparently, the Cheney-like Gephardt is the frontrunner for the VP spot. Archpundit leads with this post:Just got some scuttlebutt, top Gephardt aide Joyce Aboussie has…

  18. You know Kerry has polled and focus-grouped this thing to death. If it is the Grand Ole GEP, you can bet that John Edwards polled poorly on the C-in-C/ terrorism issues.

  19. Could be in preparation for a unity appearance.

    Gephardt doesn’t have to be the vp to stand with Kerry and Kerry’s vp pick.

  20. If what we’ve heard is true, then Kerry should be applauded for having the courage not to pick somebody from the South- something that hasn’t been done in the Democratic party since 1984. Had Kerry picked Edwards, he would be caving in to the polls and the national media- which spreads its legs for Edwards all the time.

  21. “unless a deal has been cut to let him have one term and then give it back to the repligicans”


  22. Kerry’s Veepship: Speculation Mounts..Mr. Charisma — or Mr. ZZZZZZZZZZ?

    Speculation continues to mount over who John Kerry will pick for Vice President. And the speculation-game clock is running down — since Kerry will announce his Veep choice before the Democratic convention later this month. If Kerry intends to pick

  23. I don’t buy into the theory that without a Southerner as VP, the Democrats will lose. Look, this is going to be a field battle in about 18 key states. The Democratic field army is built, in large part, around the labor unions. Unions love Gephardt, and this will motivate them to put more resources into the presidential. If it’s Gephardt, the move makes sense strategically.

    From a message standpoint, it doesn’t matter whether Kerry picks Edwards or Gephardt (or anyone else). The issue this time around is George W Bush — and the election is a referendum on his term in office. As long as there are no skeletons or scandals, the VP choice is of little consequence.

  24. I’ve been tracking this some (no sources, just watching the dance), and the “Gephardt buzz yesterday, Vilsack today” looks like a gracious appreciation of those who won’t be chosen.

    Kerry — as one who found out on CNN he wasn’t Gore’s veep — is showing how do it right. Give each a gracious turn in the spotlight and a personal “thank you, but I admire your expertise in X and would like you to champion that (dept., issue). Would you accept this role in the campaign?”

    I respect Kerry for this. He hadn’t turned me on, but I’m coming to respect his substance. It’s an honorable, mature way to treat others.

    Tim Russert says it will be Gephardt because Edwards is making the mistake of campaigning for the job, suggesting that Kerry will bat him away for it. That sounds like backroom, old newsboy street fighting, not like Kerry.

    Pissing off the rank and file — who want and are excited by Edwards — because Kerry doesn’t think the kid has paid his dues would be dumb.

    Gephardt knows he doesn’t inspire votes. Edwards brings hope, heart, brains and his warm southern sound to the ticket.

    The polling says Edwards. The point is to win.

    Cheney’s on a values kick? Here’s Edwards on values:

    This is going to be a debate about values, Mr. President. It’s going to be a debate about the future of America and the kind of country we want. They, the Republicans and George Bush, they honor wealth. We honor the work that produces wealth. They fight to expand special privileges fore special interests. We fight for opportunity for everybody. We believe in taking responsibility. They believe in passing the buck to somebody else.

    This is a fight for the working people of America. It is a fight for our values, and it is a fight we will win.

    Nobody else on either ticket can credibly make this most basic political appeal: I’ll fight for the rest of us. It’s pure gold.

    Maybe he and Kerry won’t be best buddies. So what? JFK/LBJ?

  25. Kerry might carry missouri with geb’s help but he doesn’t have a chance of carrying n. carolina. I agree with the person who said the kerry people have polled the question to death.

  26. Gep was never my top choice (and never in the top 20).

    But picking him would open up one clear line of attack against Bush: Competence (Kerry and Gep) vs. incompetence (Bush, Cheney and the Vulcans).

    Attacking on an ideological argument makes it much more difficult for Kerry to pick up centrists. Attacking him for cooking the books in the leadup to invading Iraq, for failing to bring enough troops, for failing to have a plan for occupying Iraq… all of these things speak to the same criticisms that some Republicans and several generals and diplomats have had against Bush. It’s a much easier case to make — particularly since Bush has recently been moving towards Kerry’s positions on asking for international assistance in Iraq — and one more deadly for Bush to be on the receiving end of.

    Gep can make that case better than either Edwards, Vilsack or many others because he has long experience and generally middle of the road foreign policy positions.

    Yes, Gep is past his sell-by date. And I would prefer to see Edwards of Evan Bayh on the ticket. But all is not lost if Kerry chooses Gep.

  27. Hours to Go….

    So I wake up early to make a bunch of phone calls and get all sorts of work done, only to realize that July 5th is still a holiday for most people. Well, I’ll take it. The rumor that it’s…

  28. I hope and pray Kerry selects Gephardt. Kerry stated after the primaries had he been knocked out by the process he would have endorsed Gephardt. Why is it in politics that those with the most experience are handicapped because of their service? Kerry wants a VP that will help him govern and there is no better VP that can do just that than Gephardt. Go Gephardt!!

  29. Hours to Go….

    So I wake up early to make a bunch of phone calls and get all sorts of work done, only to realize that July 5th is still a holiday for most people. Well, I’ll take it. The rumor that it’s…

  30. Clark would be my pick (I originally hoped for McCain back in January but long ago gave up) but I backed Clark for President. And whoever Kerry picks, it is unlikely to matter much except perhaps in a home state.

    Two years ago I would have cringed at the thought of Gep on the ticket. But — ignore the results — he really looked good in debates and speeches last year. I say this as a southern conservative democrat. If he could get enough extra votes in the ST.L metro to carry Missouri, that’s a huge plus.

    Edwards would be more of a general help, than a state-specific one. He would also be a nice help for the southern Senate races, but the idea that Kerry “needs” a southerner is ridiculous — the Gore map from 2000 shows plainly that Kerry can win without the South, and if Kerry does well in the South it probably means he is sweeping anyway. Edwards is also the best pick for the optimistic Democrat, as he would become a powerful candidate for 2012 if Kerry wins. He’s probably my pick among the 3 since I am always a believer in reaching to the middle, but in this election rallying the base may perhaps be more important.

    Vilsack . . . is anyone noticing that if the announcement is in fact to be made in Pittsburgh tomorrow, that Vilsack grew up there??? Good personal story, seems a bit boring, guarantees Iowa (less a sure thing than some Dems may think). I thought I heard he was toast for backing an English-only law that will sting in NM, but he seems to be getting very serious consideration despite this.

    Finally, I’d still be interested in seeing poll numbers on how Graham or Nelson would affect Florida. And Rendell could have sealed PA. In an election this close, it seems a shame to waste the vp slot to seal iowa (or wyoming).

    Don’t get too carried away in the analysis. Bentsen couldn’t save Dukakis, Quayle couldn’t sink HW.

  31. I hope that he picks Clark. Iraq remains a problem and foreign policy was picked as Bush’s trump card. Clark shatters that. The flailing economy then gives a tight election to Kerry. Good contrast on patriotism. Helps Kerry regionally. Seen as potential president.

  32. hey Archpundit– I’m curious about your source.

    I know you can’t reveal it, but I just wonder about the reliability.

    No one else is reporting this Aboussie private plane thing–not news, not other blogs not drudge (who I’m sure would report it if he had it). The blogs that do mention this (e.g. DailyKos) link to your site.

    I am looking for some other independent confirmation. because your evidence (if reliable) is very strong.

    Let us know if you can provide any other independent sources (I know about the rumors mentioned on political wire, but they are just that–not connected to any fact).

    Any info will be appreciated–

    Cubs Fan From Chicago

    (Go Cubs!)

  33. I have nothing else for now. As I’ve said in comments in a couple places, I think the source is reliable and they should have access to the information. I could be wrong, but I think I’m write. If not, well Tuesday is going to have a lot of crow for me to eat.

  34. Unless there’s some kind of official comment, this rumor is no better than anything Drudge would dredge up.

    So help me God, if Kerry picks Gep, he’s lost EVERY single state, including Massachusetts. The Republicans would DESTROY Gep, if for no other reason than his voting record, or lack of it, when he was running for president.

    Kerry cannot win the EC as it is, and Gep does NOTHING to help Kerry in ANY state, including and especially Missouri, a state where Gep has NEVER won statewide office.

    Kerry would be deliberately throwing the election to Bush if he nominates anybody other than John Edwards.

    Dems should be looking at a floor fight at the convention if Gep is selected.

  35. I’ve been thinking it would be Gephardt from the beginning. It would indeed deliver Missouri and perhaps Ohio. This election is going to be decided in the midwest.
    Kerry himself thinks Edwards is a rookie and not ready to be president.
    The Republicans would make the lackluster Graham into a loon with those goofy notes.
    Vilsack is a longshot, untested and dull.
    Did someone mention Kerry and class? Yeah right. Like that time he berated the secret service agent, the guy there to take a bullet for him, when they collided on the slopes.
    This election is mostly about Anybody But Bush for a large share of the electorate.

  36. Chas,

    That large share of the electorate is about 39%. To break into the other 61%, Kerry needs to do something other than be an Inanimate Object that isn’t Bush.

    And there’s a reason Geppy never ran for Senate or Governor in MO. The Dem establishment felt he was too liberal and too damaged by his years in the House leadership to win statewide. Southern MO is basically the South.

    This is the most exciting presidential ticket since Dole/Kemp! Heck, Bush is even free to dump Cheney now for Tom Ridge. The veep debate would be boring, but, hey, Pennsylvania?

  37. I think Kerry might need to throw Gep a bone for taking out Dean. It wouldn’t surprise me if they had made an agreement along these lines back in January.

  38. Dave G,

    Kerry has been doing pretty well so far being an Inanimate Object.

    Yes it may be 39%, but I would point out that most of those folks clammoring for Edwards are so anti Bush that it doesn’t really matter to them who is picked.

    Edwards isn’t going to excite the mass of undecided voters with a resume of six years in the senate after a career of suing large corporations. He doesn’t have the national security experience to step in, if need be, in this new age of terrorism. Hillary doesn’t either.

    No one is going to say Gephardt is not fully qualified to take over.

  39. “Edwards isn’t going to excite the mass of undecided voters with a resume of six years ”

    Resumes don’t excte voters or Adlai Stevenson would have been president.

    People vote their gut.

    And Edwards does excite voters. Coming out of nowhere, he was catching fire when it ended.

  40. Being govenor of Illinois and soft on communism hardly formed the basis for an exciting resume for Adlai Stevenson compared to Ike who led the WWII military effort in Europe. But he was more exciting than watching grass grow.

  41. I’ve been with Kerry for over a year and half and I’m perfectly happy with Gephardt. The best thing Kerry could do is stick to his guns against popular opinion and pick a VP who he believes is ready to be President if something happens to him. I want an attacked dog, who knows his place in the campaign and will take instructions and work his butt off. Edwards is an eager beaver who is more worried about his run for President in the future.

    The reality is that in the last month, Kerry will be down 5% before he closes the gap to win. Edwards may be looking to cover his ass for a later run, while Gep will fight to the death for Kerry. I know who I want in my corner in the last month.

    As to Edward’s catching fire in the primaries, crap. He never showed anything in the primaries. Edwards keep winning the Yuppie demographic, but it was Kerry who kept beating him in the blue collar demographic.

    I don’t care if the polls drop for 5% for Kerry if he picks Gep. He should go with his gut and who will be toughest fighter for the long haul.

  42. There’s a terrific Elizabeth Kubler-Ross thing going on within this thread. I think we’re up to Bargaining.

  43. “Being govenor of Illinois and soft on communism hardly formed the basis for an exciting resume for Adlai Stevenson”

    Chas, generals make poor presidents. The GOP installed Ike as president of Columbia because they wanted more than military on his resume.

    Here’s Stevenson’s resume:

    Stevenson, Adlai Ewing, 1900?1965, American statesman, b. Los Angeles; grandson of Adlai Ewing Stevenson (1835?1914). A graduate (1922) of Princeton, he received his law degree from Northwestern Univ., was admitted (1926) to the bar, and practiced law in Chicago. He entered government service as special counsel to the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (1933?34) and later served as assistant general counsel to the Federal Alcohol Bureau (1934) and as an assistant to the U.S. Secretary of the Navy (1941?44). In 1945 he became special assistant to Secretary of State Stettinius and attended the San Francisco Conference that founded the United Nations. He was a member of the U.S. mission to the UN General Assembly in 1946 and 1947. In 1949, Stevenson was elected Democratic governor of Illinois by an unprecedented majority; his record of reforms in office brought him national prominence, and he was drafted (1952) to be the Democratic presidential candidate…

    I am not plumping for Edwards, btw. I’d rather see an opponent of the Iraq war who’d immediately suck most of Nader’s support and mobilize the Anybody But Bush vote into enthusiastic support for the Dems.

  44. “Generals make poor presidents” ??

    In most presidential rankings, Eisenhower comes out around 10th out of over forty. In the Lindgren survey of 78 scholars from the fields of law, history, and political science, he was ninth.

    You were thinking of Ulysses Grant perhaps, just behind Carter and ahead of Nixon in the survey.

    The fact remains that the Republicans would make an issue of Edward’s lack of experience, especially in national security matters, but they can’t do that with Gephardt.

    Stevenson was a character witness for Alger Hiss, for goodness sakes.

  45. All I can say is I hope it’s not Clark. Those that want him on the ticket haven’t overturned enough rocks. Never mind that his Kosovo policy was a disaster (he was eased out by Clinton, and rightly so) but I seriously believe he’s unhinged. The fact that he voted for Bush over gore in 2000 doesn’t help either. I’d rather have Bill cohen in there. Je Biden isn’t a bad choice either, except for that plaigiarism thing.

  46. Just heard on cnn that vilsack has boarded a plane with what appeared to be several secret service agents.

  47. Chas, it was extremely common knowledge at the time that Americans feared that generals tend to see war — not diplomacy — as the solution to world problems, and widely known that the GOP made Eisenhower president of Columbia to distance him and season him in civilian life.

    Sounds you just woke up to history. Eisenhower was of course not ranked when all this was debated in 1952. Were you alive then? Have you studied the period?

  48. Well, hopefully it isn’t Edwards… Edwards hasn’t done a thing for NC since being elected, except to
    run for President.

  49. As to the Albright meeting, Edwards WAS!! in DC on Thursday, he flew into the city while his family was on vacation in Disneyworld, his staff did not even know he was there, but it was reported on CNN this afternoon

  50. Um, no, ABC isn’t saying that. What they are saying is that last minute attention is being focused on Edwards. Kind of reminds me of when last-minute attention was focused on McCain in 2000. I still think it’ll be Dick.

  51. Wishful thinking?

    But ABC News political unit “The Note” thinks its Edwards, saying, “the key to the whole Veepstakes puzzle might just be found by clicking on this link”, and the link leads to a website showing the distance between Washington DC and Orlando, where the Edwards family is vacationing.

  52. Rumor Mill

    From Archpundit, for what it’s worth:Just got some scuttlebutt, top Gephardt aide Joyce Aboussie has been sent a private plane to join Dick Gephardt for….one can only assume the announcement that Dick Gephardt will be the next Vice President Nominee…

  53. Again, why has there not been one mention of Vilsack here?

    He seems the most logical to me.

    Washington outsider, great personal story, can bring in two states.

    Theres no way he picks Gephardt. For what? To shore up the labor vote? gimme a break.

    Vilsack for VP!

  54. Well, one thing many of us can no doubt agree on: This whole charade is exciting, even if it does seem borderline insane.

    I am quite energized to find out whogotit.

  55. Just heard on msnbc that graham of florida was notified four days ago that he was still under consideration.

  56. Guys – every scenario has been played and played online and in the media and you all need to know something – this has been the best kept secret in the history of American politics and JK has been masterful at milking this for all the publicity. It’s keeping GWB out of the headlines, which is just what JK wants. Now FWIW, here’s what I think it’s down to. We’re looking at one of 2 things. Edwards for the simple reason that he can bring in beau coup trial lawyer CASH OR JK is going to go WAY off the board and grab Hillary or Mary Landrieu or even Jean Shaheen and knock us all for a loop. It’s not Geppy (he’ll get a cabinet job) and it’s not Vilsack (Tom WHO?). But I do know this, whoever JK picks will be the next VP. Time’s up, George. Here we come.

  57. Who’s it gonna be?

    Tons of rumors flying that Gephardt’s a lock, and plenty of responses, with Kos weighing in with a somewhat surprising defense of Gep. Personally? The thought of Gephardt as VP leaves me seriously underwhelmed. (I’ll be equally underwhelmed…

  58. Gephardt = Kerry’s Running Mate?

    ArchPundit: It’s Gephardt Rumors are flying that John Kerry will name Dick Gephardt as his running mate. It will be announced on Kerry’s website when it’s official….

  59. Tampa DEM, I think you are right, for this reason:

    Drudge says this:
    Kerry intends to begin calling the major candidates in contention around 7 a.m. Tuesday to give them the news of his choice…
    Kerry’s aides reported placards had been printed with three versions of the Democratic ticket: Kerry-Edwards, Kerry-Gephardt and Kerry-Vilsack, though they acknowledged that Kerry could still surprise even them with a different selection..

    This IS so secretive that I think we have been lead down this path to convince everyone it is one of the three. I think it is either Edwards, or, you are right and he will throw everyone for a loop. I think these “advisors” are getting directions to let these snippets out to throw us off. I would love Mary Landrieu!!

  60. i dunno, sounds sketchy.

    if it’s gep: doh.

    if it’s edwards: oh crap.

    if it’s wes clark: hoo-freaking-ray. that’s the way it should be.

  61. Charlie Rangel was on Hardball tonight and he said don’t count Hillary out.

    There was a blogger last week that said the Drudge rumors were true — a friend that was a Hillary staffer told him/her that Kerry was going to ask Hillary and she’d accept.

    On the other hand, Bayh would be a great pick from a regional standpoint. Very well liked in MI and OH. Kerry’d never take IN though, it’s a GOP bastion, but he needs MI and OH to win.

  62. Kerry has picked Sen. Evan Bayh, after announcement in PA , Kery/Bayh will travel to Indy AME Church

  63. I read that Bayh raised amazing sums of money (some $60 million) for his reelection. Could he use that in a race for VP?

  64. Not sure how Indianans would react to Bayh. They love the guy. But they despise northeastern liberals. Is this a mortal sin for Bayh? It could cost him his Senate seat to a GOP unknown, a la Saxby Chambliss in GA in 2002.

  65. I think a Bayh VP would be a smart move because it would combine some of the better qualities of the “three” that have been pushed. He was a two time gov, he is from the midwest, he is in the senate. He is more exciting than Geppy with more experience than Edwards and is well liked in the midwest (and better known than Vilsack)

  66. I don’t like the idea of losing a democratic senate seat, especially one they stand no chance of winning back. A Bayh candidacy is costly.

  67. A Final(?) Veepstakes Post

    Since the rumor (via Drudge) is that Kerry will announce his vice presidential pick in the morning, let me dump out all of my thoughts on the topic now: I’ve always thought that Edwards would be the best choice. I…

  68. I wouldn’t believe anything the ny post prints, until it can be verified with a reliable source

  69. It seems that I was right!! See my posting: “”The woman you mentioned might be going to be on staff for another VP selection. Folks are being drawn from other campaigns to have broad base of support and hit ground running in key states. Look for specific roles for some elected officals to be named along w/ the announcement.

    Clue: Guess who the VP communications director will be?
    Posted by: Dave-Mesa, AZ at July 5, 2004 12:44 AM “”.


  70. So glad that you were wrong about Geppy. You should see if you can get a hold of the NY Post that printed up Geppy as well.

  71. A real scoop … of embarrassment

    • N.Y. Post jumps the gun on Kerry V.P. choice

    It?s a common command in any newsroom: ?Get it first. But get it right. But get it first.? By that measure, Tuesday?s edition of the New York Post scored two out of three.

    In a front-page gaff…


    Congratulations to the New York Post for breaking the news that John Kerry has picked Dick Gephardt to be his VP candidate. An inspired choice. Consider Gephardt’s many positions on: – abortion, defense – confederate flag – gay marriage Flip-flop,…

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