It takes a lot of guts to call someone a carpetbagger when you drew them out of the District.

The Crane folks are complaining because Bean lives 1400 feet out of the District. Of course, this wasn’t the most obnoxious remap since Mike Kelleher said of being redistricted out of the 15th:

“If I go to the end of my driveway, I can through a baseball into the 15th district.”

You’d have to have a pretty good arm to do that from Bean’s house, but the point is the same. And this is the Democrats fault for going along with the remap to protect all of the incumbents, but ultimately complaining about Bean’s residence is a bit silly(and for the record–I love that Alan Keyes is running from Maryland or not).

The point of the House of Representatives was to be close to the people—if anyone wants to compare Melissa to Crane, I think we’ll find a populace closer to her ideologically and geographically most of the time.

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