The Peoria-Journal Star reports that a Mason Dixon poll puts the race at 47 for Kerry and 39 for Bush. While it has Kerry slightly lower than recent polls, Bush still doesn’t break 40. He will in the general, but not by much. 12 percent undecided and 2 for Nader. I’m unconcerned about Nader in Illinois. In fact, the little bastard should have campaigned here instead of Florida last time.
Chicago and Cook (note margins of error are greater in subsamples)
Kerry 58
Bush 29
Undecided 10
Collar Counties
Kerry 39
Bush 48
Undecided 11
Central Illinois
Kerry 38
Bush 45
Undecided 15
Southern Illinois
Kerry 39
Bush 44
Undecided 16
That Bush is held under 50 in Central Illinois is a pretty ominous sign.
Mason-Dixon Polling and Research Inc. of Washington, D.C., conducted the poll of 625 registered voters Monday through Wednesday. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.