I have some doubts that Kelly will even make the rounds on television, but if she does, I hope she receives the Malkin Treatment (previously known as the Kucinich Treatment when Tweety went off on him). Otherwise–this is a Kelly free zone.
Call It A Comeback
I have some doubts that Kelly will even make the rounds on television, but if she does, I hope she receives the Malkin Treatment (previously known as the Kucinich Treatment when Tweety went off on him). Otherwise–this is a Kelly free zone.
I guess this is a site I won’t be visiting again…
Seriously, grow up dude. If you can’t stand the dirt, go comment on basketball or something. You sure as hell don’t belong talking about politics. No matter how much you know, you so obviously don’t have the stomache for it. That, or you’re so rich you WANT Bush to win.
Don’t snivel and say you don’t want to win that way. This isn’t a game, winning is everything because losing leaves you with nothing and it leaves too many people unprotected. It’s disgusting that you would sacrifice the needs of so many just to give yourself a more sound sleep at night. That’s not the right thing, that’s the easy thing.
If you want to get down, get down on the ground…
Isn’t she more likely to wind up on Larry King than Hardball? Was she ever on King with her Sinatra book?
The problem, as I see it, is if it is a choice between the media talking about GW’s cocaine habit and the media NOT talking about the important issues, well I take the coke. And right now, they don’t want to do their job, so it comes down to enterainment I guess. Why don’t the bloggers try to raise the capital to create our own network on tv? until then, things won’t change
The thing I remember most about Kitty’s Sinatra book is she got most of her publicity from Frank’s denials.
I remember her for saying that Sinatra was successful in his attempt to stop the book pre-publication, she would use the deposition process to ask Sinatra questions that he hadn’t been asked before then.
Personally I can’t wait to read the book. Perhaps we might actually find out where Bush was when he was supposed to be serving his country. I was in the service and I can assure you if I had been missing for 1 day, never mind 4 months, I would never have received an honorable discharge. Not to mention the fact that he disobeyed a direct order to have a physical and has not one blemish on his record….miraculous to say the least.
You guys are such a pack of sniveling, know nothing, “anyone but Bush” liberal pansies that it is disgusting. You idiots Do realize that ANYONE but Bush is NOT the way to choose a Presidential candidate, let alone a President, right?
And if Mr. Kerry is such a qualified candidate, think about this. He was awarded a Purple Heart for a self-inflicted wound, for no other purpose than to garner himself attention and to remove his lilly white rear end from Vietnam. What the hell would he do to get attention for himself as the President of the United States? HE has too many questions that have yet to be answered, by him. HE has too many secrets that HE refuses to allow in the light of day.
Forget it. You guys are hopeless. And the absence of hope is the saddest of all sicknesses.
LOL—are you for real? Or are you just a parody?
Lisa, you have obviously never heard of TAD. Temporary assigned duty is done by just about everyone at some point or another. I did it several times for community service projects and training.
Anyone who saw the interview this morning with Kitty Kelly on the Today Show cannot take her seriously. She answered Matt’s questions so poorly, I don’t think that she even completetly believes the B.S.
All the Kerry sympathizers sould go stay in some socialist country for a few months to get the hang of things. The US is a sovereign nation and not bound to these foreign countries as Kerry would have us believe. we need a President with enough get up and go to keep our way of life secure and out of harms way. Kitty’s facts are being denied by the people she atributes them to. Keep in mind GW Bush is not basing his total campaign by saying he never used drugs hence it is not relevant to what the man is doing now. On the other hand Kerry brought up Vietnam as what appears to be his only claim to fame and that is why so many Vets as well as others attack his lies. What has he done since the war other than endanger American lives with his war protesting. GO HOME KERRY
Check the records, Dubya was convicted on cocaine charges in Houston. In 1972 a Houston judge expunged his conviction of cocaine possession as a favor to his father. Dubya is intellectually challenged, he is to politics, as the W.W.F. is to wrestling!
Wow, Ray – great analogy – WWF real good one. (that’s sarcasm by the way). The real issue at hand is to question if Kitty’s book is good, legit material. This book appears to contain information only a gossiping teeny-bopper would appreciate. I applaud Matt Lauer from the Today show for lleting Kitty know that her book is a load of garbage. It’s time that some one stands up for our president. For goodness sakes, Bush is our leader, and it’s the scumbags that ridicule our great nation’s leader that cause the USA to be the best laugh around the world. RESPECT our LEADER you ungreatfull, pompous, disrespectful, unpatriotic, scamps!
Anyone seen the new DNC commercial put out. Drudge had a link to it which is also here http://www.democrats.org/fortunateson/index.html. Talk about backed against a wall. The libs are so far behind because people are finally seeing what Kerry is not….a leader or a man with any core. As a ten year vet I don’t think the medals should be an issue. It is what he did after he got back that makes me despise the man. Vietnam was “lost” because of idiots like him. If the military was allowed to work without the politics and Fonda/Kerry we would have mopped up.
This book appears to contain information only a gossiping teeny-bopper would appreciate???
The republicans would never stoop to such levels would they?
OOOOPS they already have. They wrote the book on dirty politics.
ya’ll are SICK – GET a LIFE
You can see she is a Liar. Too many mistakes
on the interview by Matt.
She said it was positive and neg. Matt. said
I only see negative as well as the others
that have read the rubbish. She is a Michal Moore.
I’m voting to keep my filet mignon and cabernet on 11/02/04. While all you liberals are trying to give me a dried up hamburger loaded with fillers and a side of ketchup. I pray to GOD you people wake-up
and realize this election will either preserve our way of life or turn us into another Gaza strip. By the way I’m neither a republican or Democrat. I vote for the best person for the job. This election
I’m voting for President Bush. You should do the same.
Oh my god, vote for Bush or we’ll all be at the terrorists’ mercy! Ahhhhh!!!!!!!
Oh wait, no we won’t.
Passion needs to be replaced by logic and reason. The fact is that we are a permanant target of worldwide terrorists. Taking the view that diplomacy and a nonagressive approach to the defense of the USA will protect the citizens within our borders is frightening. These people are committed to the point of suicide to eliminate any and all that we hold dear. I am a lifelong democrat who quietly and with thought and logic decide how I am going to vote. I believe GW has made mistakes in taking the advice of his VP. I believe the one thing GW has done right is bringing Powell into his position-but-then he failed to take his sage and expert advice.
Yes, GW has made some critical mistakes but think it through.
Kerry is a glaring example of a man who cannot stop and say, “yes, I did come out against the VN war during a time when passions ran high and few facts where known.” I have a problem more with a man who will not admit to an evolution in his beliefs and opinions than with a good ol’ boy who liked to party. Kerry would have us believe that we will be safe after he pulls our troops out of one of the hottest areas on the globe. Our presence in Iraq is neccessary as long as we are needed to help stablize a govt. so it can defend itself against terrorist takeover. Remember, these terrorists are heavily funded and willing to die for their cause.
Yes, GW has made mistakes-but-he is the safest & wisest selection for President. We must not abandon our promise to a vulnerable people that we came to help.
— Kerry would have us believe that we will be safe after he pulls our troops out of one of the hottest areas on the globe.
Except he isn’t suggesting that now, is he? He wants to pull our troops out if we can find replacements that can keep Iraq stable–and in fact make it more stable by removing the American face of the occupation.
This has two advantages of freeing up resources to actually fight terrorism and not be bogged down in an occupation that is becoming increasingly difficult to manage.
Most confused is this notion that in Iraq we are fighting just terrorism. We are fighting some terrorists, but we are also fighting an insurgency that targets troops. Those aren’t terrorists and the semantic vandalism of suggesting they are one and the same makes an intelligent discussion of such impossible.
Blind faith in bad leadership is not patriotism.
Even lifelong Republicans such as Chuck Hagel and Sen Lugar are questioning this idiot’s management of the Iraqi War. Pat Buchannon says the Iraqi war is the worst blunder made by a U. S. president in the last 40 years.
I used to be a Republican but my party has completely disappeared. I agree with Kerry. W stands for WRONG!
Bush is taking unfair advantage of thousands of National Guardsmen and their families. When he served in the guard, the rules were bent. He got an honorable discharge doing what he wanted to do when it suited him. And he is still getting away with that!
Guardsmen I know were expecting that their service would involve deployment state-side. National guard, here in the USA. Their families are taking a terrible financial hit with this open-ended “draft.” Nobody he knows is able to get my neighbor out of his deployment 6 months early. His father isn’t politically well-connected, so he has to serve his time. All of it. His wife and 2 young sons are struggling to get by without his regular salary, and without his presence at home. If he had the option of coming home early so he could “work on a campaign in Alabama” or enroll in grad. school, I’m sure he’d jump at the chance. He didn’t get a deferment because of being a father. A bunch of us neighbors just got together and mailed him a bunch of care packages. You know, “luxuries” like saline nasal spray, and q-tips, and toothpaste.
The Halliburton employees in Iraq are earning a hell of a lot more than my neighbor the Guardsman is. And no one in the Bush-Cheney administration is doing anything to change that.
All private employees (not just those working for Halliburton) imported from other countries in Iraq are making more than your neighbor the guardsman. I don’t know how you could change it. It has been that way for every presidential administration, not just Bush/Cheney. The private employees didn’t volunteer for military service and the benefits that come with it (serving their country, GI bill, etc). I don’t know but I would suspect that most people who join the guard aren’t anticipating that they would be sent somewhere where they might be killed in combat. I know when I was considering joining I was just looking at it as a way to get training and to get school paid for.
It’s time for Bush to REALLY answer the questions. Anyone who speaks out or exposes him for what he really is has to deal with serious personal attacks.
Then as you see a few come in here and attack, these people are pawns on the white house lawn. They can never debate the issues they can only insult and attack. It reminds me of a cult.
I deal with these people on a daily basis and what I have found out 100% of the time they have NO CLUE on the issues..That is the facts.. They can echo hannity and savage and Fox news in their sheep can’t think for themselves way but they cannot address the issues..
I have stumped every Bush supporter I have spoken to. They go silent when I raise an issue, they look like they want to speak or run for the radio and turn on hannity for an answer.
These people have stolen the flag, they have stolen the use Of God to further push their agenda. We have been blindsided by their lies but we are now going to fight back..
We are armed with truth and that beats out ignorance anyday.
And for those who try and debate these fools remember you can’t debate ignorance.
I am looking forward to the book.
QUOTE: Kerry would have us believe that we will be safe after he pulls our troops out of one of the hottest areas on the globe.
Except he isn’t suggesting that now, is he? He wants to pull our troops out if we can find replacements that can keep Iraq stable–and in fact make it more stable by removing the American face of the occupation.END QUOTE
Would you care to show the sources of this b.s? You can’t they are only OPINIONS and misleadings from Hannity etc. KNOW THE ISSUES BEFORE YOU SPEAK SON!
Why is it that people keep saying that every military member, including National Guard members “had no idea that they would ever be in combat”. Have any of these people who make these comments ever served in the military or National Guard? The contract is pretty clear. You go where they tell you to go. Don’t make it out that these people were too dumb to know what they signed up for or that the government lied to them. I did it and so did a lot of other people. The fact is these people in the military have a lot more guts and heart than most other people. Don’t talk about them like they were a bunch of kids.