I Didn’t Even Watch The Apprentice and This Is Funny

Phil Kadner compares G-Rod to Omarosa and make a fairly convincing argument.

But the main problem I have with the governor is I often can’t tell if he’s lying, telling the truth or just playing some sort of game with the citizens of this state.

When asked to explain himself, he often sounds like Omarosa.

In his State of the State speech a few months ago, the governor said that only 46 cents of every education dollar made it into the classroom. The other 54 cents, he implied, were spent on administration.

That wasn’t true. And he knew it wasn’t true.

And his staff claimed that the governor never intended anyone to come away with the impression that 54 cents of every school dollar is actually wasted.

Did the governor plan to clarify his remarks, since many people had come away from his speech believing what he had told them?

“No,” I was told. The governor was delighted that people were getting behind his education reform plan.

Unfortunately, the governor has no education reform plan.

Yeah. The strange thing is the Lt. Governor does. For the first time ever the Lt. Governor is at least bringing up some needed issues while the Governor moves from pointless proposal to pointless proposal.

I don’t even like Quinn either.

The strategy the Governor is employing it to run against the legislator and that is fine, but the problem comes in that he has alienated most of the press–and they are the funnel the message comes through. If all the press is convinced he is a cynical pain in the butt, that perception will eventually leak down.

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