Highlights of the Leader Coverage

Prospective candidate Jim Oberweis is there with a supporter* carrying, ?Mexican Americans for Oberweis? signs. [*IllinoisLeader.com originally misidentified a “supporter” as an “assistant” when identifying Rosanna Pulido who was carrying a sign in support of Oberweis. Our apologies.]

I got nothing. It speaks for itself.

15 thoughts on “Highlights of the Leader Coverage”
  1. Hi,
    I am here to tell the truth about the story!!
    I am Rosanna Pulido, Fran Eaton lied about me in the article. I would like to show you the letter I wrote to the liar Fran Eaton, who in fact knows me, knows that I am NOT working for Oberweis, BUT to make derogatory news about Jim Oberweis , who she dislikes she decided to lie about the whole story.Read-on.

    Subject: Please Retract your false statement
    To: fran@illinoisleader.com


    While I was at the Union Club carrying the Mexican-American for Oberweis sign, at no time did you ask me if I was with the Oberweis Campaign.
    I have been a vigilant supporter of his, had I been his assistant, as you well know, I would have not asked YOU for help, when they were trying to remove voters from the building.
    I could have just said I was with the Oberweis Campaign.
    BUT, I did not do that. You told me that you did not want to tell them I was a correspondant for the Illinois Leader because after all, YOU had to be truthful.

    OK, Fran be truthful and tell folks in the Illinois Leader that you made a mistake and the woman carrying the sign was just a supporter of Oberweis and NOT HIS ASSISTANT!!

    I know you do not like Oberweis, but trying to make it look like his assistant was carrying this sign is really unfair and untruthful.

    Rosanna Pulido

    P.S. Come to find out that Fran Eaton gave “Leader Press Passes to folks who were not even working with the Leader the next day, that is how honest Fran Eaton is!!

  2. Rossanna Pulido is a sell out. She’s ashamed of her ethnicity and wishes she were not Mexican. Walks like a duck, talks like a duck, its a duck. Too bad Ms. Pulido doesn’t realize that.

  3. Rossanna Pulido is a sell out. She’s ashamed of her ethnicity and wishes she were not Mexican. Walks like a duck, talks like a duck, its a duck. Too bad Ms. Pulido doesn’t realize that.

  4. yanni cheengus is a white, middleclass progressive.

    funny how that sort is always telling us who the “race traitors” are.

  5. Sorry to prove you wrong, but I am not a white, middleclass progressive. I am a working class hispanic stiff trying to make a better life for my family. I unlike Rosanna Pulido have no anger or animosity towards Hispanics, nor am I ashamed of my roots. She labeled all the people at the rally as “Illegals” and “criminals”. I just like everyone else I went to the rally with were born and raised in the USA. Someone as ignorant as Ms. Pulido cannot grasp that.

  6. Rosanna Pulido the minute man founder in Chicago has to be the most ridiculous person I have ever seen in my entire life. I seat at home and think to myself, does this woman have a mirror at home or not. She looks like an Inca wrapped around the American Flag, lynching her own people. I mean this woman is extremely out of her senses. Not only was she not born here but is now against the very same people that brought her here. Her family and friends.

    I am disgusted with her. Your paper the Chicago Tribune gave her the opportunity to further embarrass herself by pointing out that she too, violated laws with her family by staying in the country with a visitors pass.

    I mean come on. She is a mess.

  7. Rosanna Pulido the minute man founder in Chicago has to be the most ridiculous person I have ever seen in my entire life. I seat at home and think to myself, does this woman have a mirror at home or not. She looks like an Inca wrapped around the American Flag, lynching her own people. I mean this woman is extremely out of her senses. Not only was she not born here but is now against the very same people that brought her here. Her family and friends.

    I am disgusted with her. Your paper the Chicago Tribune gave her the opportunity to further embarrass herself by pointing out that she too, violated laws with her family by staying in the country with a visitors pass.

    I mean come on. She is a mess.

  8. It is very apparent that Ms. Pulido has an identity crisis. For the cactus that is so distingushly stamped on her forhead is something even herself can not deny when looking into a mirror.
    why don’t you get a real job? like the rest of you people. How about Mc Donalds!

  9. It is very apparent that Ms. Pulido has an identity crisis. For the cactus that is so distingushly stamped on her forhead is something even herself can not deny when looking into a mirror.
    why don’t you get a real job? like the rest of you people. How about Mc Donalds!

  10. Rosanna Pulido, leader of the Illinois Minutemen? That has to be the most bizarre thing I’ve ever heard of. That’s like Tupac Shakur heading the local chapter of the Klan. She must be illiterate or blind. If you go to websites of anti immigration groups you will find that they have close ties to neo nazi groups and often make statements about white power. She is clearly just a puppet and poster child. The racist minutmen hope that by putting a big melon head hispanic woman in the forefront they will avoid being labeled racists. What a lame attempt. I think 99% of people don’t buy this.

  11. Pelosi: No path to citizenship for illegal immigrants,

    This intriguing admission by U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: Illegal immigrants may never earn a path to U.S. citizenship.

    Pelosi also said Congress would have to tackle the politically sticky job of overhauling immigration laws in the new Congress, after a bipartisan measure collapsed last year.

    The estimated 12 million immigrants in the U.S. illegally “are part of the U.S. economy. We cannot send them all home, and we cannot send them all to jail, so we have to address it,” Pelosi said.

    Any solution would have to be bipartisan, she said, so it may require sacrificing some of Democrats’ past priorities, such as giving illegal immigrants a path to citizenship.

    “Maybe there never is a path to citizenship if you came here illegally,” Pelosi said. “I would hope that there could be, but maybe there isn’t.”

    ISN’T Life GRAND!!

    Thank you Nancy Pelosi for joining our ranks of LAW ABIDING CITIZENS!


  12. Rosanna Pulido refuses to answer questions about the legal status of many of her family members. Porque? She is the leader of a racist organization but has family members who might be here illegally. What the hell? Bizarro world, or hypocrisy world.

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