8 thoughts on “Hey Troll”
  1. fillB That’s exactly why we need a draft. Bush can’t even fill his campaign comercials with troops.

    The Republicans are so very clear on this. When you are caught, lie, lie lie. When you are caught lying, blame the “liberal” media.

  2. Yeah, detonation cords are used for these. They different chemicals can be used to combine to form several different types of plastic explosives–one is a charge explosive which would use a detonation cord for sure.

  3. This is blatant example of liberal bias in video recorders. Where’s the balance? Where’s the footage showing the explosives were missing by the time the video camera got there? Why didn’t the video recorder show all the areas of al-QaQaa that didn’t contain explosives? Huh? HUH?!

    Thank God for Fox News.

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