Frankly, It’s Happened in Much Worse Situations

Cegelis refuses to endores Duckworth. If that’s Christine’s take, it’s Christines take (and YDD, I do owe you an apology–I was mistaken)

As I’ve expressed many times, there have been much worse primaries. This isn’t typical, but it’s certainly not uncommon. At this point, anyone who wants to fight over it can…others should find a campaign they can work for whether it’s Duckworth or another campaign.

16 thoughts on “Frankly, It’s Happened in Much Worse Situations”
  1. Hurt feelings aside, the fledgling Dem organization in the district and in DuPage as a whole simply must get beyond this. They have an opportunity to go from relative obscurity to playing a role in what is likely to be one of the most watched races in the nation.

    There is a real opportunity to get into a race that will see continued support from heavy hitters party-wide. To take on a surrogate of Bush/Cheney. To, win or lose, become a veteran of a high-dollar, high exposure dog fight.

    This is not at all to take away (funny, your spam filter blocked the word d-i-s-c-o-u-n-t) their hard work or Cegelis’ hard work. But if they want to be part of a big-time campaign, if they want to air their grievances directly to the Duckworth team, if they want to offer constructive criticism, if they want to actually help shape the campaign and the debate, and if they want to use the tremendous party resources to not only go after a congressional seat – but to build their party infrastructure for future offices at all levels, they would be wise to take a seat at the table.

    No offense to Cegelis, but she is in no position to offer them anything for their loyalty but a hearty handshake.

    The ability to turn adversity into opportunity is the hallmark of a winning person or organization.

  2. You’re using hearsay to judge what may or may not be reality. They used a “source”. Sounds like the “source” isn’t that close to the campaign to begin with.

    Cegelis didn’t attend the Unity event. Big deal. Why don’t you WAIT until she actually says something. Better still — ASK her yourself. You should get a DIRECT quote from HER instead of jumping to conclusions.

    Cegelis is the reason why IL-06 in play. If she’s so valuable, they ought to show it instead of planting stories.

    You OWE an apology to Cegelis.

  3. Why would she endorse someone who is so destined to either lose in the general election because she doesn’t live in the 6th or be a loser on Capitol Hill when she votes like a Republican on key issues to protect her job? I don’t see how 6th district Democrats win either way.

  4. “This is not at all to take away (funny, your spam filter blocked the word d-i-s-c-o-u-n-t) their hard work or Cegelis’ hard work. But if they want to be part of a big-time campaign, if they want to air their grievances directly to the Duckworth team, if they want to offer constructive criticism, if they want to actually help shape the campaign and the debate, and if they want to use the tremendous party resources to not only go after a congressional seat – but to build their party infrastructure for future offices at all levels, they would be wise to take a seat at the table.” – Turgidson

    Yah, yah, yah, and Duckworth and Rahm can take “their tremendous party resources” that should have rightly gone to Cegelis in the first place – OBVIOUSLY – and stick them where the sun don’t shine. THEY SHOULD BE BOWING AND SHOWING RESPECT to Cegelis and all her supporters. Duckworth can’t win without us. Two years isn’t that long a time… we’ve been waiting for REAL change forever, we can wait two more years, the 6th will be even bluer then.

  5. ===You OWE an apology to Cegelis.

    Has she endorsed or not? If not, why do I owe her an apology?

    It’s up to Cegelis to decide whether to endorse. I don’t really begrudge her not doing it, but it’s also time to move on and deal with the reality that Roskam is a really bad outcome. If people think they can wait, well, wait forever because the time is now.

  6. KV,

    You can bobmast all you want about what should have belonged to Cegelis and where the party can stick their resources, but it won’t take away the fact that the DuPage County Democratic organization, and apparently its wing in Kankakee County, have an opportunity to use party resources to build something.

    Or, they can remain the embittered Cegelis party of DuPage (and Kankakee) and keep losing local, county, state and federal races. Anyone who is this thing for an individual, and who fails to see what they can take away from this (let me spell it out: money), should really check themselves.

    And by the way, if you think a Roskam win in the Fall will precede a thrilling comeback by Cegelis in 2008, you should think again. Once Roskam cements his ideology-driven behind in that seat, it ain’t going anywhere.

    Pettiness = obscurity. Print that.

  7. The voters made their choice. I helped Cegelis in the primary, and I wanted her to win (with reservations about how her campaign was run. If a person can’t run a “small” campaign well, I really wonder about that person’s ability to be a productive member of Congress.)

    Still, I’ll back Duckworth in the general. She won, she’s the nominee, and she’s a whole hell of a lot better than mini-DeLay.

    Another thing: Just because Cegelis did so well in ’04 (a great accomplishment) doesn’t mean the DCCC owes her anything. I don’t know where this feeling of entitlement comes from.

    If the DCCC was wrong about Cegelis, than Cegelis should have won. Big money and big party support ALONE do not win campaigns, especially with the low number of voters in the 6th Dem primary.

    Cegelis had the money to win this primary. She just let her campaign staff blow it on crap that didn’t get her any votes. They knew the DCCC was coming for her, but they kept spending on stuff that was targeted for November instead of March. Now, there won’t be a November for Christine, and we’re all the poorer for that.

    This bitterness sucks because we could use an articulate, passionate Democrat out there for any number of races. Christine still could have found a race, but with this attitude, I’d prefer the party didn’t slate her anywhere. I know it sucks to get beat, but sometimes you’ve just got to deal with it and move on. The bitterness instead closes future doors.

    I don’t want to be an apologist for the DCCC. I think the way they handled it could have been better. Still, they won. I was ticked about it last week. This week, I’m over it.

    If we’re going to take back the 6th and put Nancy in the Speaker’s Chair, the rest of it best get over it too.

  8. 1. Passing along bogus hearsay statements gave a degree of credibility to the article’s quotes.

    2. You believed the hearsay.

    3. You never validated the source’s information with a call to Christine.

    Third-person information from an un-named source that may or may not be accurate needs validation. Failure to follow-thru with accuracy does justify an apology to Cegelis in my book.

  9. “I spoke with Tammy this morning and wished her luck. She’s going to need it.”

    Doesn’t sound like a ringing endorsement to me.

  10. To anon above.

    I don’t what Christine “Slated” anywhere either just like I didn’t want Duckworth “Slated” on us in the sixth.

    Slating is bad when republicans do it. It is more so when Democrats do it.

  11. If it’s bogus, Christine can make it clear she is endorsing Tammy. Otherwise, I’m being quite tame on the issue.

    The primary is over. If you want to be angry about it, be angry about it, I’m more worried about Roskam. If Christine is, she can endorse Tammy. If not, that’s her choice. Whatever.

  12. The real problem here is values voters versus democratic voters. I’m not voting for anyone who doesn’t at least share some of the values I hold most dear. For MSD’s this is all about winning. I get that.

    But exactly how much of a choice are we really getting when the choice is between Duckworth, Bean or Hillary, and a Roskham? Imho, the worst problem America faces is that our government has been bought by corporate interests, that’s why we have war, that’s why we have global warming, that’s why jobs are being outsourced. Off the top of my head most of the problems we are facing stem in one form or another from Big Corporate Interests running our country.

    So democrats telling me that there is such a vital difference between a Duckworth and a Roskham, I don’t see it. (Gay rights and Women’s rights are civil rights. Civil rights are what we are fighting for when we fight for people values VS corporate values – profits before people.) Is Roskham a theocrat? Sure. But what’s worse is he is a corporatocrat, and it appears so is Duckworth.

    Rahm and Co. used alot of money they didn’t have to, to put Duckworth where she wasn’t wanted. (It wasn’t a “free” election, that election was about as free as my “free” speech is against a walmart – another problem stemming from corporatocracy. ) Rahm/DCCC could’ve spent less money backing Cegelis and WON that seat, and sent a hundred thousand here and there to other candidates, like John Pavich here in the Kankakee, who have a good chance of picking up another seat, IF RAHM AND THE DCCC had any common sense and weren’t so totally corrupted by corporate money and afraid of anyone who they can’t control through MONEY. MONEY is the problem, not the solution. All campaigns should be publically funded. Then they would be “free.”

    Democrats can continue their name calling and alienation of values voters, people like me and other Cegelis supporters – BUT THAT’S NOT GOING TO GET ANY OF YOUR KIND ELECTED IN NOVEMBER, IS IT? We are the base here, we never get any respect and some of us are going to do something about that when and where we can. IL-06 is a great place to start stopping the corporate take over of our government by both the republicans and the democrats.

    Saying Roskham can’t be beat in two years is just not true. That district is getting bluer, and if he’s as much of a theocrat as everyone claims, that’ll just help get rid of him in two years, especially if Rahm/DCCC (if Rahm’s still around and not too busy defending his own ass because of this) do the right thing and support Cegelis next time around, like they should have this time. If they weren’t going to help Cegelis, they should have stayed the F*** out of the race until after the primary and just supported who ever won. But Rahm couldn’t stand the thought of a noncorporatocrat in congress and right next door to him.

  13. Thus proving that elections can be bought. And we’re going to other countries teaching them about democracy.

    I don’t think we can get more hypocritical if we tried.

  14. If you think the differences between Roskam and Duckworth are superficial, you are either being disingenuous, or you aren’t paying attention.

    And for all the talk about “buying” the election. If there were no Tammy Duckworth. If Christine Cegelis would have won, and would have received the full faith and backing of the DCCC, what, exactly, would she have asked for -demanded even- from them?

    Kind words? Pep rally?

    Guess again.


    And lots of it.

    To paraphrase Sir Winston Churchill, ours is the worst political system, except all of the others.

  15. Lindy Scott demonstrated real class at the unity breakfast…and more wisdom. He knows that many of his and Christine’s supporters cannot in good conscience support Duckworth. But they can work their hearts out for Bisceglie, Dunn, Gonzalez and other fine Democratic candidates. Let’s build up the party by strengthening the Democratic base. Why don’t we field a committeeman/woman in every single district? That is the real way to bring about change in our district.

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