Frank Burns of the Illinois Blogosphere has Vapors Again

He always has vapors, but for a clown who claims to be a lawyer, he’s really quite funny in how clueless he is about the law.

Carl, that misses the point just a bit, don’t you think? Buying ads to influence voters seeks to do it by reason, or emotion, or both-but there’s no material benefit to the recipient of the message. It’s not a quid pro quo like giving them something of value (like discounted gas) in an attempt to curry favor with the voter.

This interpretation would apply to beer, food and anything of value according to this interpretation. I’ll be heading out of country to avoid the inevitable prosecution from Patrick Fitzgerald regarding the vast amounts of beer I have dranken over the years paid for by campaigns.

0 thoughts on “Frank Burns of the Illinois Blogosphere has Vapors Again”
  1. I posted this over at Cap Fax Blog in response to this comment, but since you and Rob N. seem obsessed with attacking me personally, I figured I’d respond here as well.

    Wow, I really seem to have struck a chord with some folks, notably Larry H. and Rob N., today. Guess what, guys– buying your volunteers pizza and beer after a day of knocking on doors, or handing out free T-shirts and hats with “Kirk for Congress” or whatever you like, is a lot different than calling the media and announcing to all comers that you’re running for Congress and hosting a give-away, so c’mon over.

    How is that any different from standing on the street corner and saying, I’m Dan Seals, here’s $50, and by the way, I’d appreciate your vote.

  2. ==How is that any different from standing on the street corner and saying, I’m Dan Seals, here’s $50, and by the way, I’d appreciate your vote.

    Because you aren’t specifically giving them the gas for their vote. Just as you don’t give them beer, food, t-shirts or other such things for their vote. It’s a pretty simple concept called quid pro quo.

    Part of the reason you really are a perfect Frank Burns is that despite claiming to be a lawyer, you are as incompetent at understanding the law as Frank was at understanding surgery.

    The exact scenario you mention about the $50 does occur though usually for far less–a pack of cigarettes or a forty, or 10 bucks every election day in East Saint Louis. The difference is whether a quid pro quo is involved. This even is true of giving people a ride to the polls. You can offer a ride to the polls, but you can’t only give it to someone if the condition is voting for a particular candidate.

    That you fail to understand this explains why you blog in anonymity.

  3. So now simply pointing out facts and debunking spin is “attacking you personally,” TA?

    Mighty sensitive and thin-skinned.

  4. “Wow, I really seem to have struck a chord with some folks”

    Not really. More accurately, there are many who refuse to let hyperbole, delusions, half-truths, (bad) spin and flat-out nonsense go unchallenged on the blogs where sane people go.

    Maybe Kirk will win. Maybe he won’t. But I rest comfortably at night knowing that none of your inane bleating will move a single, solitary vote.


  5. Sorry for being late to this party. 🙂

    Rob, I read what you wrote on that other blog about the Dems being in the majority for not all that long but you neglected to note that this Congress has had the most obstructionist goopers in history. They have stopped, blocked or threatened to filibuster more legislation than any in history. (And to bitch at the dems…MAKE THEM FILABUSTER not just threaten to!!)

    And talk about having the vapors!

    I cannot wait for Kirk to walk out of public life – hopefully, for the sake of IL – forever. He is nothing but a Bush a$$kisser at every stage. Kirk makes me want to puke.

    I don’t know if you guys receive the bullshit he sends out in his newsletters and emails – all lies, distortions…typical gooper shit, I suppose. What’s saddest is that you have to follow politics closely to know what he’s saying is bullshit, and that pisses me off even more, for there are too few who actually do keep track of our government. Kirk is totally full of shit but he does a damned good job of making himself sound good.

  6. Ms J writes: “…but you neglected to note that this Congress has had the most obstructionist goopers in history.”

    Good point.

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