Hillaryis44 compares Reverend Wright to Tawana Brawley.

That’s special.

According to Taylor Marsh, it’s horrible to talk about lynching on Easter.

Because a day that celebrates the resurrection of Christ who was put to death by bleeding him to death with the giant stakes driven through his hands and feet is a day that shouldn’t include any talk about persecution.

Until the last couple of years, which now finds me meditating on Easter Sunday, I never in my entire life have heard anyone mention “lynching” on Easter Sunday. I’ve spent a few Easters inside a Baptist church as well.

Yeah, because lynching is so seldom mentioned in sermons at black churches.  I know people are pretty clueless about black churches—okay African-Americans in general, but this is perhaps the stupidest fucking complaint ever.

It strikes me that Easter is a perfect day to talk about lynching if one thinks that Jesus was sacrificed for our sins.

Of course, Marsh and most disappointingly Jerome Armstrong continue the claim that Wright was anti-American.

Despite the years of criticism of the mainstream media, they fall into the trap of accepting sound bites over context.   When one listens to the comments in context, one finds Wright is not Anti-American, he is anti-Bush and anti-Conservative. I thought Jerome and Taylor were of similar mind.  And Wright argues that violence begets violence in context.  That is certainly a message one should hear in their Church.

0 thoughts on “Fine Moments in Advocacy”
  1. FYI Crucifixion does not kill be blood loss but by suffocation although blood loss from scourging did hasten death.

  2. It’s one thing to be a pedant, it’s an entirely different thing to be a gross pedant. I, of course, then had to go look it up in Wikipedia. If I have nightmares I’m blaming you two.

  3. And I thought that they drove the spikes through the lower forearm — so that the body could hang from the joint at the wrist — rather than through the hand where the flesh would tear away under the weight of the body. An alternative to spiking the wrists would be to tie the wrists to the crossbeam — so that the weight is borne by the ropes and the wrist joint — and then driving a nail through the hand for purposes of symbolism and torture.

    The Roman piercing Christ’s side with a spear probably didn’t do Him any good either.

    You know, I’m starting to think that I paid attention to the wrong things in Sunday School.

    — SCAM
    so-called “Austin Mayor”

  4. I think piercing his side was an attempt to hasten death by cutting the diaphragm or puncturing a lung. But I could be wrong. I have a hard time believing I’m not a brain in a jar let alone that Jesus was the son of an all powerful compassionate being.

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