I’m not going to be able to transcribe this quickly so this series of posts will summarize Tammy Duckworth’s responses in an interview conducted Saturday early afternoon. I didn’t follow-up as well because the twins were getting anxious while I was interviewing her.

While she was recovering she had essentially a year to think about what she wanted to do especially the first 2 1/2 months when she couldn’t really move. She was brought up to perform public service and then when she testified before the Senate VA Committee and it really got her thinking about things she could do and she saw the opportunity to fight for her area and be a vote for change.

11 thoughts on “Duckworth: On Deciding to Run”
  1. Greetings,

    From what I gather, Ms. Duckworth was solicited by Mr. Emanuell of the DCCC and basically “HIRED” to run in the 6 Th. District. It also seems to me that Emanuel is a Democratic Neocon who is a Hawk element from the Israeli/American contingency along with Liebermann and I’m sure there are a some more. It also seems to me that this faction is playing both ends against the middle, for a not necessarally America first agenda. The DCCC, headed by Emanuel has also solicited 6-10 other military persons and is trying to push/hire them in other races elsewhere in the country.

    What do you think about this agenda? Creating a Democrat Neocon faction in our country by stealth!

  2. The interview was nice for free national publicity. Calling in a few favors paid off to that extent.

    She still didn’t sell me on her value in Congress. Maybe with a little more coaching. Maybe in the future in a different CD.

    I also found this statement inconsistent with her statements from a year ago.

    12/18/2005: “Duckworth, who has degrees in political science and international affairs, says she decided to run after attending the State of the Union address as a guest of Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill., and testifying before veteran affairs committees on Capitol Hill.”

    02/03/2005 (Chicago Daily Herald): “I’m anxious to get back on flight status,” she said. “If that means that I get sent back to Iraq, then I’m ready to do that. I’ll go wherever my superiors send me to.”

    12/29/2004 (US Fed News): “Duckworth is determined to remain a Soldier, and hopes that after a long recovery process she will be able to fly again, or at least remain in the Army Guard.”

    If Christine Cegelis fails to win the Primary, the Democrats can kiss IL-06 good-bye.

  3. I am absolutely apalled at the swiftboating of Tammy Duckworth by Cegelis supporters!

    Running for congress is a difficult decision that may have been the result of a number of personal experiencenes including attending the SOTU AND testifying before the VA committee…

    While its clear she has Emmanuel’s support, I think its absurd and insulting to suggest that she’s some kind of puppet…

    It seems to me that Duckworth has credentials in spades and that her “value” in congress would be immense. She has incredible knowledge of international affairs, military, and aviation issues–all important to the region.

    If you are advocating for Cegelis, can you please make suggestions about what she brings to the table, rather than disparaging Duckworth? (and, btw, mythical grassroots support is not a congressional qualification… see: IA ’04 “perfect storm”…

  4. This is exactly the reason why Emanuel’s giving Duckworth as much free media play as humanly possible. Cegelis can’t get a second look from them. She has been everywhere else on the interenet (e.g. MyDD & DailyKos). She has national support because of it. Your comment is typical for someone just getting into the discussion — although it’s better now than the day before the March Primary. Durbin recruited Duckworth in Feb. 2005. It’s been a hot topic since the candidates began circulating petitions.

    To see the most information about Cegelis in one spot, visit SoapBlox/Chicago. All your answers are there. Also, feel free to ask her directly regarding anything you want. She’ll respond.

  5. seank – it’s a bit over the top to accuse Cegelis supporters of “swiftboating” Duckworth. They’ve done no such thing. They haven’t attacked or undermined her military service, questioned her veracity, or misrepresented her in any way. What they have done is question Emanuel’s decision to recruit and support a candidate to challenge another Dem in District 6 when there are other districts that need a Dem challenger. The commentary of the Cegelis supporters – except for questions about how well she knows the district – haven’t been about Duckworth, they’ve been about Rahm. That’s not swiftboating. It’s the Pubs that do the swiftboating.

  6. Interesting thought about Scott. Why isn’t he getting any play? He seems extremely qualified, he’s written a dozen books on related issues. He’s an educator in the highest rank of the system. He’s got age, maturity,and the wisdom that comes with.

    Well I guess it all comes down to the MONEY curse of American politics. You get the bucks, you get to go to Washington to do the mans bidding. I think this is the greatest detriment to Democracy in America as played out in spades by the Bush Mafia.

    That’s just another reason I personally don’t like Duckworth, she’s owned by the MAN and what does that make her? Besides I hear that Emanuel has his stable of drones sign contracts!


  7. Frans speaks of the “Israeli/American contingency along with Liebermann”

    It always seems to get down to the Jews.

    The party used to be better than this.

    I remember when Hubert Humphry was pilloried over a war by the left and the party never really recovered.

    Go to Europe and you’ll find a society dedicated to another great Democrat, Henry Jackson, who I think would have it right today.

    Emanuell should be congratulated by everyone who believes Liberalism is Universal for bringing a little clarity back to the party.

  8. Bill,

    My feelings are that in todays world of the possibility of BLOODLESS Democratic evangelism, we just might give that a try instead spilling human BLOOD.

    We no longer live in the stone age but the INFORMATION age, or at least I hope we do. Therefore the Jacksons & Neocons barbarian methods of BEATING Democracy into nations by murder, assasinations & genocide might just be something that should have died with WWII.

    Of course I realise that there will always be BLOOD THIRSTY people as it is just a part of the ANIMAL nature of man but I hope, along with a lot of others, that we have turned the corner on that part of the history of the Homo Sapien and that it is time to use our potential for creative endeavors & not our DESTRUCTIVE NEGATIVE ones!!

  9. I’m deeply bothered by your belief in the Israeli/American contingency along with Liebermann.

    You rarely hear anyone speak of a Kennedy / Daley Sinn Fein continegency in American politics.

    Why do Jews get tagged like this?

    There is a horrible kind of far left far right convergence going on among the so called anti war left and it should excised from the left just as Bill Buckley excised it from the conservative movement years ago.

  10. “here is a horrible kind of far left far right convergence going o”

    It is not so far as you think.

    Just look how quickly Cindy Sheehan’s incorporated “Jews are behind all of this” notion into her anti-war message.

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