Sun-Times endorses Jackson Jr. for Senate.

Except that Blagojevich hates Jackson almost as much if not euually Madigan.  Laura Washington writes a good column on the story and makes a point that Blagojevich needs help in the black community.  Her mistake?  Assuming the Governor is not delusional.

0 thoughts on “DCitis is Catching”
  1. Here’s my speculation about what’s happening in Blagojevich’s mind.

    He’s thinking, I have a popularity problem.

    And he has an appointment to the U.S. Senate to bestow.

    He’s thinking that if he could make all the people happy who would be happy if he could appoint all the candidates U.S. Senator this would help his popularity.

    He’s frustrated that the benefit to him of appointing only one person is relatively minor. Blagojevich feels he should be able to get more for his great power of being able to appoint a U.S. Senator.

    But here’s a scenario that reflects better on Blagojevich.

    Blagojevich realizes there will be a special election in IL-05 and there will be another special in the district from where his appointee comes. There’s may be some money to be saved by holding these elections on the same day. So Blagojevich may be waiting to appoint Davis, Gutierrez, Jackson, Schakowsky, etc. until Emanuel’s resignation is official. This would allow the elections to be held on the same day.

    If Blagojevich is holding off for this reason, it suggests the appointee is not going to be Jackson. IL04, IL07 and IL09 all border (or share communities) with IL05. So, I can see it saving resources to hold the elections on the same day. The efficiencies of combining IL02 and IL05 aren’t as clear. There is overlap at the Chicago Board of Elections and Cook County clerk, but that’s pretty minimal.

  2. One guv’s popularity problem is another guv’s fundraising challenge. …

    Sorry to be so blunt Carl, but I don’t think Blagojevich is the least bit worried about saving Cook County or the City of Chicago money in terms of special elections. I do think the gov will appoint whomever he feels best boosts his “aura” (not just his popularity, not just his campaign account, not just his status in Springfield, not just his reelection chances — yes, I typed that — … rather, all those things combined).

    And the governor is delusional.

  3. PS … I have a darkhorse theory … US Senator Reverend James Meeks.

    He fits a lot of puzzle pieces quite neatly for Blago and I don’t think the two of them are too far on the outs. Could be wrong on that last count.

    Just thinking out loud.

    All apologies to Bill von CapFax.

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