JJJ says he’d be humbled to be appointed Senator. From this embarrassing spectacle he has created, I’d say that’s damn near impossible.

Progress Illinois catches Chris Mathews blabbering about Jackson and Chuck Todd nails the situation:


Rich makes the point that Todd is one of the best DC correspondents alive and frankly that may be underestimating him.  The Hotline is probably the best training for a pundit.  Maybe Mecurio is next (he’s still not as good as Todd though).

At this point, Blagojevich might appoint a Jones ally just to piss off JJJ.

Thus the Kwame Tsunami!

(I highly doubt it will be Kwame Raoul, but I love using the nickname).

0 thoughts on “Humbled? I Doubt It…”
  1. J3’s behavior is as mystifying and aggravating as RRB’s. What a clown show this has become. Rod could’ve forestalled it with a quick pick, but he just couldn’t do that. Now, another potential disaster. Wonderful.

  2. Seriously. Humbled is a funny word for it. There’s nothing humble about waging an absurdly public campaign for the job. There’s nothing humble about continuously calling yourself the most qualified (based on what?). And my tongue was only half in-cheek when I wrote this on Capitol Fax. That Barack this and Barack that stuff is off putting. I guarantee you Axelrod, Rahm and others are now calling him “Mr. Preisdent Elect.” It’s about the dignity of the office.

    J3 is one of the most eccentric characters in Illinois politics.

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