Dan, Have You Done Your Homo Risk Audit Yet?

Inside joke in the title which is semi-apparent if you read through the whole thing.

But, let us return to the fun, fun, fun that is Peter “undercover homosexual lifestyle investigator” Labarbera. He is endorsing the idea of a risk audit to fight the homosexual agenda (TM).

What dangerous tactics are being examined?

1. An anti-harassment, anti-bullying or ?safe schools? policy that includes the category ?sexual orientation?
The term ?sexual orientation? may be included in a laundry list of other classifications, e.g., ?…on the basis of race, religion, age, sex, nationality, sexual orientation…?

2. Non-discrimination policy based on ?sexual orientation? (may also cover ?gender identity?) for students and/or teachers, staff

Such a policy may be spelled out just for staff/teachers, and may be phrased as a ?non-discrimination? policy (again, with a laundry list of classifications, as in #1) or it may be a section of the staff hiring procedures. Sometimes, even if ?sexual orientation? is not explicit, there may be a provision for ?minority? hiring, and it will be necessary to get in writing assurance that this is racial and ethnic minorities only, not ?sexual? minorities (another term used for homosexuality, etc.).

3. Requirements for teacher/ staff training on ?diversity,? ?tolerance,? ?sensitivity?

What training (indoctrination) about homosexuality does the school require of its staff? Some have accepted the idea that unlearning attitudes that object to homosexuality is necessary, because such attitudes are thought to be bigoted and lead to illegitimate ?discrimination? and mistreatment of homosexual students or other staff members.

Yeah, discouraging other kids from beating up another kid because he has a lisp is a bad thing in need of a risk audit. Or that schools shouldn’t be in the business of discriminating because of someone’s sexual orientation.

What horrors.

And now for the kicker—what schools are targeted:

Initial targeted school districts
This list is suggested because of geographic distribution as well as in some cases, specific knowledge of the school districts activities in the past. Also in many cases there are known knowledgeable grass roots volunteers who could kick-start the research process.

We have also clustered some school districts around a major metropolitan area, so that the local media can be more effective.

Deerfield Public Schools
Township High School District 214
New Trier Township High School District 203

It would have been much better if they’d highlighted Glenbrook North–then I could have titled it Save Ferris from the Homos. Saving Ted Farmer from the Homos, just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

Via Pam at Pandagon

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